View Full Version : Worried!!!!!!!!!!!

03-08-08, 15:57
My partner started to have pains in his leg on Friday,on his inner thigh.Yesterday it was more painfull and a hard lump appeared under the skin.
This morning we decided to pop to the treatment center at the local hospital,they took a look at it and were not sure what it was,they think he could have an abcess,which is quite advanced.They gave him strong antibiotics,and told him he needs to rest the leg for 48hrs.If it stays the same after that to go and see his gp, if it gets worse,or bigger then go straight to the hospital and if it is an abcess it will have to be cut open under aneasthetic.

I could see his face when they told him this,he is scared but wont admit it and so am I.Im so anxious,nervouse and of course thinking the worst:mad: :weep: but thats me!!!!!!!
I hope for him it goes down quickley,its strange cos its such a hard solid lump,and very red around it and hot.He is in alot of pain.:weep:

03-08-08, 17:29
Awwww Ellen:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Poor Rich give him a big:hugs: from me

It does sound like an abcess they are quite common in hairy areas!!!

He has had it checked out so its not anything too awful but they are very painful!!!

When the hospital say cut it out I dont think they mean literally.....they are more likely to drain it with a syringe which isent painful

Please try not to worry and I hope He feels better soon:flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

03-08-08, 17:59
Hi Ellen

It's natural to be upset when a loved one is in pain. My friend had a similar lump which turned out to be a cyst too but after a couple of days on the antibiotics and painkillers, she started to feel alot better. She is now cyst free and 100% back to normal.

Please try not to worry too much hun and i hope your partner feels alot better very soon.

Love and hugs to you both


03-08-08, 20:07
Oh dear Ellen - I really hope the anti-b's are working for him. Does sound absess like. Blurgh. Try not to worry too much but do get him back to the Dr's even if it improves...

Hugs honey ( will PM you tomorrow xxx)

03-08-08, 20:33
Hugs Ellen :hugs:

Thinking of you and Rich. I hope the antibiotics work and he feels better soon.

Karen xx

03-08-08, 20:42
hiya and im sorry, try not worry def sounds to me like an abcess but i know how the mind wonders etc. hugs to u both xxx

03-08-08, 21:24
aww ellen i hope the antibiotics work, Ny niece had the same thing and she was given antibiotics and it went away. She was in a lot of pain also. hugs to you both
love debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

03-08-08, 23:09
Thanks everyone:bighug1: he is going to see his gp tomorrow,its still the same tonight.:hugs:

04-08-08, 08:31
Good luck to both of you today :hugs:

Karen xx

04-08-08, 13:11
We went ot his gp today,he wants him to carry on with the antibiotics until Wednesday.Give them a good chance of kicking in,then by wednesday we will know if its slightly better or the same,or worse.If it is no better he will have to go to the hospital and have it cut:weep: :weep: :weep: he isnt looking forward to that.He puts on a brave face,but I know him.And he hates being off work!:mad:

Thanks for the support:hugs: :hugs:

05-08-08, 02:10
Hi there
Please dont worry too much over this, My son when he was 15 (4 yrs ago) had the same thing come up, but he tried to squeeze the skin, it was in a very delicate area!!!! between his bum and his testicle...ouch!!!. Anyway within 24 hours, even with anti biotics, it became massive and he had emergency surgery. He was terrified, bless him, but they put him to sleep and they cut it out leaving a open wound so that it heals from the inside out.
It was a sore procedure but he said the relief of having it removed was worth it.
We had the nurse call to our house for about a week after to dress the wound and happily he hasnt had anymore problems since then ...apart from last week he fell down our stairs and broke his leg!!!!

Hope the tablets work for him but even if they dont its only a minor op.

good luck

05-08-08, 10:14
Thanks Tracie.I dont think the tablets are going to work,its still the same.We are supposed to be going to Cornwall the end of the month!!!!

The sooner he can have it done the better for him,its the waiting and knowing he will have to have it removed.Im more worried than him,getting myself in a right state.

I dont like hospital,but I know I have to go with him for support.I couldn't let him go alone.:weep:

Im sorry to hear about your son,and also him breaking his leg.:hugs:

05-08-08, 14:15
All the steps done by by you is awesome for your friend. I think try to get some more about his problem because he can be in big trouble after delaying this.

06-08-08, 15:02
Well my partner went back to the doc's last night and they decided to cut into the abcsess.The abcsess went about an inch into the muscle.It was full of nasty stuff,but it was very thick so they removed what they could and then packed the hole until today when he had to go back and have the dressing replaced.

Now he has to wait until Friday.The pain has settled a bit and Im not as worried now.:yesyes:

Thanks for all the support.:yesyes: :hugs: :hugs:

milly jones
06-08-08, 15:21
im so glad for u ellen xx

it will all settle

the body heals well after infection and the antibiotics will aid that

just take care of urself too

hugs milly xxx

06-08-08, 16:49
Thank's Milly,feel worn out at the mo!!!mentally drained:wacko: :wacko: just glad its better.:hugs:

06-08-08, 20:30
Hurrah - deffo an abcess then and hopefully it will clear up nicely for him. Hope he's being a good patient for you !

06-08-08, 21:30
Glad things are on the up Ellen:hugs:

Please wish Rich all the best from Roger and Me:flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

12-08-08, 17:00
Partner is seeing the nurse tonight.Im pleased to say the abscess is healing really well and he is back at work today.:yesyes:

Thanks for all the support from me & Rich.xxxxxxxxx:hugs:

12-08-08, 21:11
Great news Ellen:yesyes:
:hugs: for you and Rich

Kaz x:hugs:

12-08-08, 23:00
We were told by the nurse that the abscess could come back at any time even though its heeled up. There is still stuff deep down inside and he still has this hard lump which could be there for ever.It may never flare up again,but there is a possibility that it could.If this continues to flare up then he will have to go into hospital for a few day's and have the abscess removed surgically.:scared15:

13-08-08, 08:53
Well stop worrying about what MIGHT happen...... It has cleared up and unlikely to return. And IF it does then it's a simple procdeure to get it dealt with at the hospital. And I know the nurse said he'd be in hospital for a few days... but they don't know that - the surgeon would decide and many abscesses are done in day surgery. He'd go in early morning and be out late afternoon. And it may not come back so bad again.

I know it is worrying but he'll be ok xxxx