View Full Version : Worry again!!

03-05-05, 21:41
Just when I thought I had a chance to sort myself out, I find myself thinking the worst case scenario AGAIN. I have this fear of cancer and have just got over an anxiety attack for 3 weeks about my health. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health today. I cooked dinner, went for a walk with the dog, felt really good.

I got back about 20 minutes ago and as I walked in my 12 year old son, said he has found a lump on the left side of his groin area. Instantly I thought cancer, death and felt really sick and sweaty.

I couldnt feel it and asked him to show my husband. Apparently, he didnt show him and the outcome is if it gets any bigger, then he will have to go to the doctors.

I have all these thoughts running round in my head now of what the outcomes going to be and what this lump is. They are all major problems and not a simple under skin spot etc to me!!!

This is horrible, I really thought, I could start sorting my head out now, but it just reeling.

Im so glad of this website, I have come straight upstairs to write this and get it off my chest.

Thank you all for reading

Emma xx

03-05-05, 21:50

You're not going to be able to let go of this so why not just book him in to the surgery to get checked out if it is a real lump as opposed to a zit pimple.

He is obviously concerned himself as he told you about it - so for reassurance for you all - get the once over. No need for an emergency appointment but just at everyones convenience.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-05-05, 21:50
hello Emma,

It is quite common to have little lumps that are not dangerous at all. I have two on my neck and they are just a build up of cartiledge. I'm sure it's just something similar with your son..

Sarah :D

04-05-05, 10:45
if you are worring to much i would get it checked out. but my neice gets swollen glands there and behind her ears

kairen x

04-05-05, 11:51
He is at the doctors now with my husband. Will no shortly what it is. Im not panicky today, i have been talking to myself alot. Affirmations etc, and trying to see things rationally.

Emma x

04-05-05, 11:56
Hi Emma Jane,

Hope it goes ok hun!

Let us know! I know how you feel I immediately think the worst in situations to and worry myself sick so I understand!

Keep up the rational thinking!


04-05-05, 11:59
Thanks pips, the lollipop lady was a good one. Ill try that

Emma xx

04-05-05, 14:06
Well Done Emma ..

04-05-05, 18:17
Thought i'd let you all know, he has an infection of the glands. Not nice, but a relief.

Thanks for your support.

Emma xx

04-05-05, 18:28
hey there
just a thought, lymph nodes and glands, all in the neck and groin area, they tend to swell and feel bigger if the person has been under the weather recently...colds?? bugs?? my freinds son had same problem, went to doctors, the swolen glands were right in the crease between the top of leg and pubic bone???sound simliar??? just a thought, good luck xx

beth xx

04-05-05, 20:21
Thanks Beth, thats exactly what it was.

Emma x

06-05-05, 10:48
Hi Emma,

Thats a relief hun.

Hope you are ok today.

Take care,