View Full Version : hello!

27-07-08, 18:15
hi everyone..ive just joined..havin stumbled up this site...really please i did!:yesyes:..everyone seems really friendly..and wow how great it is to hear im not alone in this and that there is some really geat advice on how to help yourself and seek help too..:yesyes:..ive had a few phobias over the years..some have come and gone but ive had a long hard fight with what i think is agorapobia..lol..well that is what it looks like from readin the blur on here..lol..dont think i have ever been formally diagnosed..well the doctors didnt tell me if they did!..lol..:shrug: strangely without realising it ive been using a bit of cbt..not thro anyone teaching me but just coz i figured out that stayin positive helped me not to panic...i work and lead a fairly normal life..only those v close to me know i have problems..i can usually come up with some excuse as to why i can go to certain things..travelling being my main prob..i dont drive..but have had many driving lessons and still hope to pass one day!..trains are a no no at the mo..but again i hope to put the tips on here to good use and start going on them again..motorways have been a huge prob for me for many years and have some "A" roads..mainly the ones that look like motorways!..lol..but have been on them in the last year due to a boyfriend who made me!..glad i did it but was difficult..planes definatly a no no..which is sad coz my young son is missing out on such a lot and i have friends that have a villa...but i have come a long way..about 15 years ago i could barely make it out of my house..so anyone who is wondering..life can and does get better...i just kept pushing myself and gradually it go easier..would be great to make friends on here and hopefully get travellin around a bit more!..:yesyes:xxxxx

27-07-08, 18:22
Welcome to the site. :)

27-07-08, 21:35
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here. You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


milly jones
27-07-08, 21:47
hi hunny

a warm welcome to nmp

ull make lots mates here

love milly xxx

27-07-08, 21:52
Hello Tracy

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here

Take care


28-07-08, 08:06
Welcome to NMP. It's great for support and prople who understand what you are going through. Enjoy!!!
:welcome: :flowers:

28-07-08, 08:28
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

28-07-08, 14:22
thank you...x...its just so so great to know that there are people out there that understand:hugs:such a relief..in particular, to hear of the ones that have such supportive partners..i didnt think anyone would want me coz life cant be restricting at times..to be honest i spend a lot of time tryin to hide it and coming up with excuses not to go places when i meet someone new..never quite now how to tell then..:unsure:..x

28-07-08, 15:55
Hi Tracey

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

28-07-08, 18:32
Hi Tracey,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


28-07-08, 21:38
Hello Tracey And Welcome To The Site ,wish Ya Well,linda

28-07-08, 23:22
Hi Tracey

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

29-07-08, 00:52
hello tracey
welcome to nmp
debera:hugs: :hugs:

29-07-08, 09:55
Hi and welcome :)
