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milly jones
17-07-08, 11:47
feeling a litle low today.

was in the shower remembering my childhood and things that made me happy

do u remember -

when crisps were 2p, bovril crisps yum

sweetheart tinned dessert, sort of fruit puree and cream in a tin, strawberry

playing the game in the street with the ball where u bounced it against the opposite curb with a partner

summer 1976 with all the daddy long legs

static caravan hols in anglesey with no water or electricity, blue plastic churns u had to filll up each day for water, bucket with water in for fridge for milk with a wet tea towel on top, the smell and hiss of the gas mantels when ur tucked up in bed with a suntan.

please cheer me up with some others

milly xx :weep:

17-07-08, 12:04
Oh god yes milly i remember when the milk man would come with the ice cold milk on them hot summer mornings
and bus fare where 2p a child for a while WELL THE WAS IN BIRMINGHAM to travel anywhere
lying in the park and makeing daisy chains and paddleing in the stream in our bare feet
sitting on the swings in the park and my mom coming to the edge of it and calling us for dinner
Play curbie as you mention ( bouncing the ball to each other over a quiet road)
those where the days hun wernt they when things for most kids were happy and care free


17-07-08, 12:07
playing the game in the street with the ball where u bounced it against the opposite curb with a partner

cruby! i remember this game used to play it for hour's as a kid

milly jones
17-07-08, 12:08
yes would give anything for those happy days now

17-07-08, 12:19
Hi hun, :D:bighug1:

mmm, my first hol was in 1977, hehe, Butlins, I will remember this feeling FOREVER, the family clubs, thought I was all grown up, getting ready to go out, the fair, ohhh boy, the freedom at sunch a young age :yahoo:doin, what you wanted, when you wanted :yesyes:

Mum, giving me a penny to go the shop, lots of money in those days, our shop had a penny box you could look in and get at least 3 sweets, ohh I do sound old LOL :roflmao:

The only thing that was on your mind when you went out, was what games you could play, ohh there were lots of them...

Blind mans buff
hide and seek
rounders in the street
playing with 2 balls on the wall
bull dog
hooler hoop
hop scoch
Arrows, chalking on the wall, making an arrow and other people had to follow them to find you, hehe, what a simple game and fun.
Ohhh and many many more, LOTS of FUN :yesyes:

I had this conversation with my daughter the other week, the things that have been invented since she had been born, BUT, she took the biscuite when she said, did you have GAS light when you where young :ohmy: I am NOT that old LOL :roflmao:

Hay, but we did, when I was about 5, live in a house that did not have a bathroom, the loo was at the bottom of the yard and the bath, was a tin one on the wall in the yard that was brought in when we needed a bath, HEHE, remember that feeling getting the bath in the middle of the living room, all warm and cosy, then off to bed, all good memories, :yesyes:

It is GREAT to look into your childhood and see all the good memories, ohhhh boy, I have lots of them :yesyes:

I remember one year, we had a plague of ladybirds, we went to the beach and they where everywhere LOL, we did have soooo much fun collecting all that we could LOL

Heheh, I could go on forever, remembering the good time, its good to remember is'nt it?

Bet you could come up with a few more Milly, I know I could LOL

YOU TAKE CARE :bighug1:


Cathy V
17-07-08, 12:22
Curby yes! Did the whole country play it d'ya think? also remember standing on my hands and tossing legs up to the wall. my mate could do it were she walked her feet down the wall to the ground and that was called 'crabby' but i never had the nerve to do it!

And i also remember walking through Liverpool to the docks and going over to New Brighton on the ferry across the mersey for 6d. (still pounds and shillings in the 1960s!) and listening to the Top 20 on my little 'tranny' that only had onw earphone.

My little bro and his mates used to pretend to be the Beatles in our back yard, with tennis raquets for guitars and the drummer used our bin as his drum...mum used to go mad at the noise! remember the bins? you could have loads of fun with the lids :D xxxxxxx

17-07-08, 12:23
awwww cheery up mil, i remember me and my mate used to go down local corner shop every morning and get big bag of pick and mix for 20p. those were the days when flying sherbot saucers were 1p and cola cottles 1/2p.xxxx

17-07-08, 13:22
Anyone remember walking on tin cans? our mams used to put a little hole through the side of the can and thread string through and we'd walk around with our feet on the top of the can holding on for dear life with the string...lol
Used to play knocky nine doors...then hide behind the wall....wicked
Catchy kissy...
2 balls..
Hide n seek..
Hand stands..
Crabs...walking like a crab - you had to lay on your back and fling your arms over the back of your head, raise your body up belly first then walk like a crab - my god i'd cripple myself if i tried it now.
American skips..(elastic bands) and it didnt half hurt when they twanged and snapped on your legs...lol
Bag of tudor plain crisps with the little blue bag of salt to shake on yourself (salt n shake)
Black jacks and youd end up with black teeth and lips ..lol
Pretend camping with me mams good chairs and her sheets over the top like a tent, and inside youd have your little dolls teaset with a pretend cup of tea....
Omg endless fun it was and it was innocent too......happy days

17-07-08, 13:23
i remember playing kick the can, only we had to kick a ball instead as the cans where too noisy lol. i remember my younger bro using a stone to write poo bum and wee on our neighbours car, he was only six and got into so much trouble, when i was 3 instead of an imaginary friend i had an imaginary family and i used to knock on some womans house over the road and ask her for my family back............shame!

dressing up like the bay city rollers and parading through the streets of liverpool, god i thought i was great.
My nan being able to produce about 20 roast dinners with the tiniest chicken you've ever seen.

and every thursday my dad would bring us in a texan bar, a ruffle bar and a packet of spangles.

Sundays................... early roast dinner, then at 5 we would have a sweet tea, sandwiches, cakes jelly then all play cluedo or monopoly.

God those anx free days.

Di xx

milly jones
17-07-08, 16:08
u were posh di i had to have tinned pilchards for sunday tea with tinned fruit and evap, served with bread and butter.

cathy,the beatles were before my time mate rofl, (dont worry ull get me back lol)

lesley we made dens from an old wooden clothes horse and table cloths, spent hours playing with it.

funnily enough the foundation phase in school now is trying to get kids recreating some of these pretend games, which appear to have been lost by the present generation of children.

cheers guys xxxxxx

17-07-08, 16:25
God...................... does anyone remember rara skirts.
pringle jumpers
i remember my fav outfit being bright blue satin pants and a lilac jumper............how bad!

17-07-08, 16:27
Hey Milly I remember the game with the foot ball,KIRBY:yesyes:

I also remember we used to have an icecream van called Mr Whippy,and if it was your birthday he would let you sit in his van and he would make you an icecream boat,with lots of different colour sherbert on the top and two flakes.:yesyes: You wouldnt be allowed to sit in his van now!!!!!:lac:

God reading all your posts brings back so many memories.

milly jones
17-07-08, 16:44
u remember the cresta man who would come to ur house delivering pop?

17-07-08, 17:09
It was so much fun reading all the posts, those were the good ole times. Some of my fondest memories were of christmas, when homemade things were special (my Dad made me a cradle for my doll) and also cracking walnuts in front of the fire for my Dad. Simple things but they bought so much joy.

One of the things I remember most is going to my Nana's house and I can still see the fake silver after eight holder sitting on the table, always had a box of after eights in there. Funny how we remember those little things.

Well you guys definitely brought a smile to my face today with all the memories, thanks so much.


17-07-08, 17:23
MIlly get out and play a game of kerby you are never too old hun I still do it with my son and bf LOL

milly jones
17-07-08, 17:26
we live in a cul de sac hun

the ball would go everwhere

have been known to play rounders and french cricket tho

Cathy V
17-07-08, 18:52
Mill, its a great thread and i hope it made you feel better chuck. I hope also that it goes on and on, it one of those threads that can, and ppl can keep adding to it...great idea and great fun. Takes our minds off all the sh*t yes?

Cathy xxx :D

17-07-08, 19:47
We played kerby as well!

Hopscotch, climbing the lamp posts and getting moaned at my the neighbours, those metal roller skates that had ballbearings in them, my Chopper bike, my swing in the back garden that wasn't pegged into the ground and always folded up on me :ohmy:

I had a knitted poncho, white with pompoms, white boots and a pair of bell bottom trousers.

Used to take 6d to the sweet shop and get lots of sweets! White mice, fruit salads, bubble gum :D

Ooooh and I was in love with David Cassidy and, later, the Bay City Rollers!

17-07-08, 20:07
Sending you lots of love millyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

does anyone remember the game elastics?

milly jones
17-07-08, 21:27
yes we played elastics in school

we played, north south east west, a handstand game when u had to toss up when u said lightening and see who could be up the longest.

i remember getting thin twigs and threading lilac flowers on and making rose petal perfume in water, yuk

17-07-08, 21:43
Omg so many memories
all those games you lot have mentioned brought back so many of them
i remember always going to my nans and she always had big pots of home made chicken soup or stew cooking and she would serve it up with dumplings and crusty bread
then hot scones with home made jam

who remembers the old tin baths that we had to fill with water
we all had to have a bath on a sunday and strip washes on the other days.
i remember my mom washing in a tub and putting it through and old wringer
who played tig and kiss chase ? when it was your turn to chase you only ever chased the good looking boy lol ( or was that just me )
i also remember haveing to put the rug on the line for me nan and beating it to death even though she had a hoover lol


17-07-08, 21:47
i was 10 in 1976
subbuteo,played next to a permanently running scalextric,a yellow chopper bike(before they put the warning on the seat about passengers) liverpool winning bloody everything,anglo bubbly gum,a shop down the road called "tanners" 8 aniseed balls for a penny.friday nite in with babysitting brothers listening (77 by now ) to the sex pistols and the stranglers "rattus" lp.unrestricted mopeds that my brother had,capable of 45 -50 mph,cresta "its frothy man", sweet tobacco,abba winning eurovision,
christmas to the tune of slades epic "merry christmas everyone" with the beautiful line "look to the future now its only just begun" of dear im gettin a bit teary for a 6ft tattoed punk! oh what a thread to start milly!
tons of flared trousered love ade x

milly jones
17-07-08, 21:47
my grandma always made rabbit stew

and the cutlery handles were freezing made of ivory

and her gravy was always lumpy

she had feather pillows on the bed when i stayed and the curly feathers used to poke out and scratch me in the face at night. hate feathers now lol.

she used to spend hours playing rummy with cards with me for pennies

she lived in liverpool and i can remember the orange lodge marches, and the rag and bone man in the road.

she had whiskers on her chin that scared our son when he was a toddler

milly jones
17-07-08, 21:49
u remember bobby latchford ade, he was my hero for the toffees

i can also remeber me dad taking me to watch efc vs newcastle and hearing me dad swear for the first time when 'Foster' came on and all the efc fans started shouting 'F**k off Foster' never looked at me dad i n the same light again lol

and them men rolling up their newspapers and weeing in them at 1/2 time

17-07-08, 22:02
Omg milly pmsl
weeing in the news papers, did they realy do that?
Dirty feckers

milly jones
17-07-08, 22:24
yes hun into the man in fronts pocket if u were unlucky

17-07-08, 22:44
Awwww Mills the good old days eh????:D

All the sweeties that have left me with rotton teeth lol, bubbly bubble gum, sherbet dips in a tube, fruit salads, black jacks:ohmy:

My parents garden shed where I kept a variety of toads and snakes(never into dolls me:blush: )

The excitment when school broke up for summer:yesyes:

The lazy hazy days of summer spent smoking menthol fags(consulate) up the local park!!!!

Happy Daze:D

Kaz x:hugs:

17-07-08, 22:58
I use to live on a farm. During the school holidays when the jobs were done we use to make jam butties and an apple then dissapearing till it went dark.
my mum didn't worry. She use to blow a large horn to call us back home. We got very good at hearing the horn from miles away. funny!! she still has the horn. We would go fishing, hunting with air guns and playing army using real air guns using chicken feed as pelets so that when it hit you it turned to dust and you were out. there was upto 6 kids running round 500 acres of woodland playing. We would have camps and bivvies in the woodland, lighting fires and catching rabits to eat. There was a footpath running through our land and we would hide in trees throwing acorns at walkers. As a grown up i would go mad if my son acted like i did. But the age has changed.

milly jones
17-07-08, 23:03
tell them about the running on the roof and swinging thru the trees from one side of the farm to the other boomer without touching the ground lol

17-07-08, 23:28
Milly, you must be older than me cos I remember crisps at 2 1/2p lol....obviously inflation lol!

I had a yellow chopper (though it was a handme down from my brother)...and we played kerby too...and elastics, and red rover and british bulldogs but didnt like that as it was very rough lol!

I remember when it was very hot the tar would melt on the road and stick to your shoes or you could poke sticks in it to make designs.

We live near a stream with a bridge and used to play a game where we would drop sticks at one side and let them 'race' then run alongside the water to see whose was the winner.

I also remember making a 'bogey' (no not THAT kind of bogey lol....)out of wood and old pram wheels with a rope to steer....and sledging downhill in the snow on a breadboard pinched from the local shop.

I used to read enid blyton books...Famous Five and Secret Seven...and we'd invent our own 'gangs' based on these (not like gangs now eh lol).

What a great thread Milly....thanks for that.

luv Coni XX

17-07-08, 23:30
Ok I also remember:blush:

Nicking polystyrene from the industrial estate and going sailing on it down local river!!!!

There was a place down bottom of our rd that sold camper vans......we gutted one to get furniture for our den pmsl:D

Oh God the good ol days

Cheers for the post Mills:hugs:

Kaz x

Ps just remembered I wrote my dads car off aged 16 trying to put it in garage for him lol

K x

18-07-08, 01:24
Kellie.. you played tag and kiss, we called it 'catchy kissy', and yes i always chased the good looking one too, well who'd want to get ugly fecker with acne and a snotty nose...mind you the ugly ones always let you catch them, but, the good looking ones always seemd to be able to run faster than me...lol
Little bottle of milk every morning at school..
Remember 'space hoppers' the big orange ball you bounced on - see who could stay on the longest.
Clackers...the hard wooden balls on string that used to 'kill' if you hit yourself and it was always on the wrists..ouch
Platform shoes....jeees the amount of times i fell off those.
My first pair of flares..they measured 48"...i was well proud of them too!
I was going to meet Donny Osmond..(swoon)..marry him and have his babies..omg, i went to see him in concert 3 months ago...how sads that!
Anyone have a 'simon shirt' or a 'tank top' when they were in fashion...eww.
Its really making me laugh thinking of the things we got so much fun out didnt even cost us a penny it was all just imagination and making the best out of what you had..which wasnt much then...i thought i was rich if i got thrupenny bit or a sixpence to spend..wow...i remember penny bars of caburys chocolate!.....traffic light lollies - sherbert dabs...eee by gum them were the days..

18-07-08, 07:41
Remember the 'opal fruits' advert..."opal fruits...made to make your mouth water"......lol.
Treets..."melt in your mouth..not in your hands"
Penguin...p...p...p...p...pick up a penguin...
Love hearts..
Golf ball bubblegum.
Tooty frootys
Space dust
Spearmint chews
Cherry lips
Golden nugget bugglegum (was in a little tie string bag)
Frys chocolate cream....Yummy yummy

18-07-08, 09:20
God mill, your nan was posh, she had a hoover, mine had a ewbank, its funny alot of my old dears that i work for still have them, funny, i was talking to b/f last night about corner shops, do you remember when you could go the greengrocer, go next door to the butcher, then next door to the mace, bring back the corner shops, no wonder so many of us suffer agoraphobia the supermarkets are way too big. I still shop at butchers shop now, he always knocks money off my meat, wouldn't get that at asda or tesco lol.

I always remember my nans coal fire and helping her clean it out.

We moan about whose going to empty the dishwasher, how much washing there is to do, god imagine our nans day when the washing was done by hand, and i will never forget the days when you hung terry towelling nappies on the line coz people were dead proud that theres was the whitest.

how times have changed!

18-07-08, 09:22
Sorry mill,

it was kellies nan who had the hoover lol

Cathy V
18-07-08, 11:06
Coni...i remember the Bogeys. except we used to call them 'steeries' in liverpool. I can also see the mixed ages here, specially when you talk about the chopper bikes...but it was my 2 sons who had them not me! You can see all the different generations from the list of sweets and drinks cant you?

I even remember when tights first came out for us girlies, and we said goodbye to wearing nylons...until we got married then we had to revive them again for our hubbies :D

18-07-08, 13:09
did anyone else make mud pies :blush: i was a bit of a tom boy loved climbing trees..:D
funny just remembered going to shop for mum with a note to get cigs i was about 8/9yrs they always gave me them..
grass fights ..
kiss cat ..interesting to see all the different names for it ..
hop scotch
hand stands, cartwheels ...tried to show kids how to do them a year or 2 ago nearlly did myself a mischief :doh:
my husband turn 40 in june got a retro sweet pack ..must addmit he loved it
thought i didnt reconise some lol but had choc sweet cigs are they still allowed to sell them :huh:
love to all helenx

18-07-08, 13:10
I remember the sticks in the river,we used to call it poo sticks:D

So many lovey memories here.:hugs: a good post Milly:hugs:

I remember mud pies and building dens in the garden.:yesyes:

milly jones
18-07-08, 13:19
ive really enjoyed reading ur posts

keep them coming lol

mill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-07-08, 17:50
I remember when you could get 1/2 penny chews, pound notes which made you feel rich, and of course WHITE DOG POO!!!!

I also loved Bagpuss, finger mouse and not loving wearing big heavy duffle coats!!!


milly jones
18-07-08, 18:29
do u remember navy blue knickers? and having no pe kit and doing it in ur knickers and vest lol

we used to do music and movement that was broadcast from a huge wooden radio set in the carner of the hall. 'Stretch up tall like an oak tree' lol

i liked watching hectors house and the clangers.

do u remember cracker jack with holding the cabbages and prizes?

i found a pound note, the decimal kind c1970s, and it was huge, never mind the 'new' ones lol

Cathy V
18-07-08, 18:36
lPopsy im scared to ask about the White dog poo!

"Paint the whole world with a Rainbow" zippy, bungle and george...and hippy happy mental jeffrey :D xxxxx

milly jones
18-07-08, 18:41
think it had something to do with the calcium in bones dogs ate in those days.

ppl dont tend to give them to dogs now

unless she meant some kind of sweets, yuk lol

pops tell?

18-07-08, 19:28
Bill and Ben the flowerpot men....blob a lop little weeeeed.....rofl

milly jones
18-07-08, 19:39
i loved reading enid blyton books too

i was a mallory towers girl tho lol

18-07-08, 20:49
re bob latchford
milly i have a 1974 edition of "shoot" magazine with an article on "hat trick king" bob latchford (he was playing for brum at the time)
who won the cup that year? :yahoo:
love ade x

Cathy V
18-07-08, 21:06
It was liverpool wasnt it...they won everything then! :yesyes: xxxxx

18-07-08, 21:30
Milly I think this is a lovely post, all those memories got me thinking all day today about my favourite sweets and I went in search of sherbert flying saucers, couldn't find them. Anyone remember the lollies shaped liked hearts covered in chocolate with like jam inside, they were lovely.

I remember those navy knickers Milly, we used to wear them for PE how horrible I used to look in mine. I remember running across the school hall doing sports and the elastic went in mine, ended up around my ankles which made the kids laugh and I went red faced.

Going to show my age now and ask does anyone remember TV programmes The Double Deckers or Bannana Splits, what about Potty Time or the Wooden Tops. I had so much fun when I was a kid I was never in, didn't have half the things my kids had but had far more fun. My favourite things were an old pair of roller skates, used to be out on them from morning till night and a pair of old stilts my Dad made from old bits of wood. Those were the days.

Thanks Milly for starting this thread it's so good to remember the past.


milly jones
18-07-08, 21:39
carol i loved the banana splits, my fav bit was ta rala bumsy eh, my knickers flew away, they came back yesterday, ta rala bumsy eh
my brother and i used to howl with laughter at the 'rude' song

liked the wooden tops too with the spotty dog with funny legs

wey hey we're the double deckers lol

Cathy V
18-07-08, 21:50
Swop shop and tiswas and spit the dog! and what was that programme where all the kids ran the show for themselves? and they cooked disgusting looking things every week.

and does anyone remember the very first 'home computer' it was called the Sinclair? and those games you plugged into the telly so you could play tennis and what was the other?

18-07-08, 21:54
oh i loved banana splits milly and tiswas. my fav used to be mr ben when he used to go in that changing room and come out a policeman or a spaceman and into another place lol. my kids see that now and think its rubbish, how times change hey

milly jones
18-07-08, 22:10
awww captain pugwash

(and master bates, seaman stains and roger the cabin boy, as boomer remembers lol)

what about noggin the nog?

18-07-08, 22:17
Do you remember who was your first Blue Peter presenters. Mine were Leslie Judd, John Nokes and Peter Pervis. I remember nogin the nog and Ivor the Engine. Does any body remember magic box with the mirrored box that spun round before a story was told.

Spiritual Butterfly
27-07-08, 02:04
I remember the Magic Box, it was presented by Alan Rothwell does anyone remember him?

My favourite kids programmes were:

Rupert the Bear (puppets)
Chorlton & the Wheelies ("Hello little Lady")
The Flumps,
The Banana Splits
Copper Castle,
Mary,Mungo & Midge
Handful of songs,
Button Moon,
Camberwick Green
Hong Kong Phooey
Wait till your Father gets home,
Joe 90
Sesame Street
Play school
Play away
Hickory House
Mumphy the Elephant
Little Blue
Why Don't You? This was the programme hosted by children with lots of games, recipes, activities.

This will make the more mature Lady laugh
Do any Ladies remember the Pippa Dolls?
Carrie & Christopher (twin dolls)?
Jenny my best school friend doll (she would have a school uniform on & she would also have a Brownie uniform too.)
Chick -a-boo bear (which I've still got somewhere)
The Bean dolls (little tiny bean dolls which would have different colour romper suits with matching hats) I loved them.

Does anyone remember this children's toy which was quite popular in the 1970's -1980"s?
It was a blue & white cine-camera and you could watch silent movie versions of Mary Poppins, Disney cartoons, Pete's Dragon, you could also speed it up & slow it down it was funny.

Does anyone remember Rolf Harris's Xylaphone? I always wanted one of those, I never got one sob! sob!.

Happy memories.

milly jones
27-07-08, 22:35
i loved my pippa dolls lol

but was always losing the shoes lol

i love this post

sad arent i?

milly xx

28-07-08, 00:34
I remember old money, going into the sweet shop and buying blackjacks and ha'penny chews. Making a go-cart from a plank of wood and 4 pram wheels.
Making a den over the allotments using piled up milk crates. Going swimming in the gravel pits.
Anyone remember those plastic scooby-doo's that ya plaited to make keyring fobs?

28-07-08, 08:13
Yes, I used to have a Pippa doll and her friend Marie. Had Pippas horse as well. Wish I'd held onto them, they go for a fortune now on ebay.

Also had a Teeny Tiny Tears, Suzy Cute doll (also sell for loads on ebay), a doll called April Showers that came in a yellow bath with a shower. Had those little Beeny dolls as well.


08-08-08, 06:26
Haha gud reading the post ...i remember curby .still play it with my daughter ......also whats the time mr wolf hehe .
My new red and black roller boots loved them every1 seemed 2 have the yellow and blue but i was different haha ) and also 1/2p sweets ..going and buyng mojos and saucers from corner shop oh wished things were that cheap now x

08-08-08, 06:34
I remember getting paid a ten pence mixture of half penny sweets for bagging potatoes in the local shop LOL those sweets seemed so much back then lol and im not that bloomin old


Pooh x

milly jones
08-08-08, 11:08
was in a sweet shop in bala and found the bubble gum mentioned earlier

the little sack of golden nuggets

bet theyre vintage too knowing bala, very sleepy place lol