View Full Version : An hour to go

17-06-08, 08:17
I have suffered with anxiety,panic and agoraphobia for a number of years now, some days I do well other days it can be almost impossible to go out.
I have been offered the opportunity of voluntary work which will be good for me it will give me a focus and something to aim at + I will be occupied and in the company of other people (Which Claire weekes recommends)

Today is my first day and I start in an hour, its not far from where I live and the people there understand panic (they are also very positive people which helps)
I havn't taken any medication for the last 5 years.
I will however take my Claire weekes book with me though.

I will probably start to feel very anxious before I leave - but I've had this longer enough now to realize that - it would be unrealistic given todays challenge not to feel anxious.

Cathy V
17-06-08, 08:32
Hi Roger, dont know if this will get to you before you go but wanted to say well done with this new chance to get out there and mingle again:D be proud of yourself and i hope you have a good day. Let us know how you got on later ok?

Small steps
Cathy xxx :sofa:

Matty H
17-06-08, 09:02
Don't assume you're going to be anxious before you leave. Anticipation feeds the mean anxiety monster, stay confident. It's really awesome that you're doing volunteer work. It's great to have a passion in life and you're taking great steps towards recovery. Let us know how it went :D

17-06-08, 12:13
Well Done you Roger
I hope everything is fine for you today, im sure it will be, you do seem to have come a long way to beating this problem, so massive hugs mate

milly jones
17-06-08, 12:17
hi roger,

guess ull be deeply into it and no doubt really enjoying being an active and productive member of society, well done

keep us informed how u get on

proud of u

milly xxx

17-06-08, 12:24

well done, i am sure it will do you good to be out and about :yesyes:

jodie xx

17-06-08, 12:33
Hope it went well Roger:yesyes:

And well done to you:yesyes:

Kaz :hugs:

Hope 2
17-06-08, 14:09
Roger :yesyes:

WELL DONE you yeahhhhhh !!!!!
Good on you for taking this huge step.
I bet you will be pleasantly surprised at how well it goes and makes u feel.
Whatever happens.......be proud.

Nice one
Hope xx

17-06-08, 17:33
Thanks for the replies.
Well I went and it couldn't have gone much better, It really went well I am so pleased. (And this is without any tablets)
I was going to set off at 9.15 but just before 9am I was feeling not too bad ? so I went early to avoid the anticipatory anxiety.

Last November and December I never left home - which I suppose makes todays achievement all the more of a success.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being full blown panic, I actually scored about 1-2 maximum.

I have really surprised myself with todays effort I stayed for 2 hours,I walked out from the building where I did the voluntary work feeling calm and so pleased with myself which is such a nice feeling to have.

I'm going again Thursday.
I think personally with me, confidence plays an important part and I DO need to be actively going out and mixing with people.
This opportunity I think can only benefit me.

17-06-08, 17:59
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: WELL DONE ROGER:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

You done brill:yesyes:

Kaz x:hugs:

Cathy V
17-06-08, 18:10
Thats great news Roger, well done and good luck for thursday too!

Giant steps!!!
Cathy xxx :D

17-06-08, 19:17
well done :yesyes:

jodie xx

funky chick
17-06-08, 19:25
Well done Roger, and good luck for Thursday xxxxxxx:bighug1:

milly jones
17-06-08, 19:42
well done mate

thanks for getting back to us too

really well done, nmp is so proud


milly xxx

17-06-08, 19:46
Well done Roger!!! Keep us posted xx

17-06-08, 19:53
Hi Roger, I've only just read you text so couldnt wish you 'good luck' but at least I can say WOW, well done you :hugs:

Big hugs and good luck for Thursday :hugs:

Onwards and Upwards
