View Full Version : hello

12-06-08, 17:20
Here goes, iam here,
just going to start taking my first 20mg citalopram tonight, does it matter what part of the day you take it?.
I have been very tired and low with very tensed up musles which in return are so painfull and find getting out of bed these past two days very hard. I had a good cry down the phone to my mum last night which i feel bad about
because she really does'nt need to hear me so low.

milly jones
12-06-08, 17:26
welcome to nmp moonshine

i take citalopram for anx, and to help me sleep so my psychiatrist told me to take it mornings

it helps me sleep now thank god and helps with anx too

hope thats ok for u

milly xx

Cathy V
12-06-08, 17:27
Hi moonshine and welcome. Sorry you feel so down at the moment, but im sure once your meds start to work you'll feel much better, and dont feel too guilty about your mum...its mums are for and listening is what they do best.

Anyway you can have a moan on here instead anytime you want!

Best wishes
Cathy xxx :)

12-06-08, 18:08
Hi Moonshine,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

12-06-08, 21:49
Hi Moonshine and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

I take my citalopram pill with my evening meal but I don't think it matters a great deal and is personal preference. Please try not to feel bad for crying in front of your mum because you can't help feeling this way and she'll want to help as that's what familys are for.

Take care,

Mike :)

12-06-08, 22:31
Hi Moonshine

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

13-06-08, 08:30
Hiya Moonshine, welcome to nmp its lovely to have you here. Im sorry you are feeling so low at the moment.
You have found a great site with lots of lovely understanding ppl who will give you lots of support/advice/reasurance. Hope to talk to you soon in chat.

take care.


13-06-08, 09:48
Thank you all for your lovely messages:)
I have taken my first citalopram this morning, thats the first step.
I have always been the one to help, listen and give others support and I feel them all looking at me as if they dont know me anymore and I am the one trying to help them though what I am going though:doh: