View Full Version : Success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-06-08, 04:07
I usually post in the health anxiety section but today i'm SO excited about my accomplishment last week! I posted a while back about trying to travel to see my dad that is over 700 miles away but on the day that i was to leave i couldn't do it and cried all day at my failure:weep: . Usually i would NEVER travel more than just around town without my husband, but my dad is not well and i decided that i NEEDED to do it so i left last Monday with my two daughters and came back thursday!!!:yahoo: I DID IT!!! I cried most of the way there and i was terrified but I did it! I wish i could give some great advice on how i did it but it just took my dad getting sick to give me the kick in the pants to do it. The trip actually went very well, once i was there it wasn't too bad, and my dad is alittle better so i feel good about that and i'm even planning another trip there in about a month. Lets hope i can do it again:yesyes:

10-06-08, 06:58
What an achievement for you. Isn't it amazing what we can really do, despite our fears and anxieties.Give yourself a huge pat on the back.

10-06-08, 21:02
Well done You:yesyes: :yesyes:

What an achievement:yesyes: :yesyes: Quiet rightly you must be feeling really proud of yourself, hang onto that feeling and when it comes time for you to make the journey again, tell yourself that you CAN and WILL do it again.

:hugs: :hugs: to you


'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

10-06-08, 21:10
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_7_13.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

Well done Panic, it's amazing what some of us can do when we have to :hugs:

Like Dianes said, hold onto that feeling and you will definitely be seeing your dad again soon http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_9.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)


10-06-08, 21:47
What a fantastic achievement, well done! I'm really glad it wasn't as bad as you feared and hope your dad gets better very soon. :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

eternally optimistic
10-06-08, 23:35
Good on yah... well done.

There's no stopping you now.


11-06-08, 00:10
FANTASTIC:hugs: :hugs:

A huge well done:)

What we can achieve when we have to is inspiring and you rose to that:shades:

Onwards and upwards x


PS Hope your dad is ok and I bet he was over the moon to see you!!

11-06-08, 15:46
Thanks So Much Y'all:hugs: Its so incredible to have so much support! I just love being here and "knowing" y'all:)

Everyone was totally shocked that i did it but my dad was just about the only one that wasn't shocked, he said he Knew i could do it if i put my mind to it. And for those that are curious about his health,,,,he won't get better, he has emphysema (not sure of spelling), he's slowly going down hill and the dr's are saying there's nothing else that can be done:(

11-06-08, 18:10
Hi Panicagain - that's a fantastic achievement, you should be so proud of yourself! :yesyes:

Now you know you can do it, so keep at it hun :D

Jo xxxxx

milly jones
11-06-08, 19:56
well done what an achievemnet u faced ur fears and won

so proud of u

milly xxx

12-06-08, 12:53
Thats Great You Did It ....i Wish You Well........and I Know You Can Do Ya Next Trip :)..........linda Xx

14-06-08, 14:16
awww, thanks everyone:hugs:
I've made a date to go again, its july 7th, i'm sure i can make it:yesyes:

17-06-08, 19:48
Hi Panic,

I'm so glad you faced your fears and you were able to visit your Dad. I hope you continue to visit him and my thoughts will be with you both during his illness. Congratulations.

Laura xxx