View Full Version : Hairdresser fear

07-04-05, 13:53
Hi all,
Just wondered if anyone else has a fear of getting their hair cut?By that I mean the thought of sitting in the chair for an hour while they do it is really scary?

I have got long hair and am in DESPERATE need of a hair cut.But,Im really scared of having a massive panic attack and having to leave with it half done!I did once have a really bad attack at the hairderssers years ago.I was going to a wedding and was having my hair set on rollers.The girl was half way through putting them in when I felt really ill,I went cold and tingly,couldnt breath,felt faint....you know the score(had no idea that it was panic at the time and thought I was having a stroke).Anyway,she had to take all the curlers out which seemed to take FOREVER,and I left in floods of tears....horrible!!Never made the wedding either.I guess this is at the back of my mind,but I have had my hair cut loads of times since then(all be it with my fiance sitting in the car outside reading the paper).At the moment I feel really shaky and a bit low and I know it will make me feel better,but I feel really nervous about it!Has anyone else got this anxiety?Anyone got any tips?I know it seems really trivial,but it just feels like ANOTHER simple thing(like hating supermarket ques)that is an ordeal! love t x

07-04-05, 15:28
Yes I feel the same but being a guy at least I'm not there for long. Have you thought about a mobile hairdresser? There are a lot of people doing that now and you will be in your own home and with the same person each time?


"I'm dancing through the fire, just to catch a flame -
an' feel real again "


07-04-05, 15:40
hello Juliet,

I just came back from the hairdresser's this minute!! It took them an hour and a half as I had a trim and had it coloured. I panicked for about 10 minutes and though to myself that I needed to get out of there. However, the longer I sat there, I more comfortable I became. I read magazines and distracted myself. Once you have done it once, you will be able to go back a second time and you will get much better at it..

Sarah :D

07-04-05, 15:48
hi juliet,

Ive never had a fear of getting my hair cut, i just have obsession of washing it LOL,

Never thing any of your fears are trivial, cos thay are real at the time even if later you can think rationally about it and think now why did i get myself all worked up like that for, at the time they are really scary

You just have to tell your self over and over "i can leave when ever i want" if you feel it rising just hum to your self and try and distract your self from those thoughts, even take your own magazine with you,

hope you manage it ok take care, xxx

kairen x

07-04-05, 16:37
I get mine cut at home by a mobile hairdresser.

Saves me a fortune too!


07-04-05, 16:48
See, if it's good enough for Nic it's good enough for anyone. [8D]


"I'm dancing through the fire, just to catch a flame -
an' feel real again "


07-04-05, 21:04
Everytime I go to the hairdresser I have PA. That and the dentist.
You are not alone!!![^]


07-04-05, 22:48
Hi Juliet

Been there and know how hard it is, it isnt the fact of them cutting your hair its about been tied and if you need to get out, yet again about making a fool of your self.

I got my hair cut a month back and as she started to wash it i wanted to run and go home, but also though i know i could it didnt help and its what other people will feel. I overcame it by rabbitting on about nothing and everything and got through it.

They say getting your hair done is about been pampered but i didnt feel like that at all. Focus on something else like i did and hopefully it will work aswell as it did for me.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-04-05, 11:39
I have never had a problem getting my hair done as it takes 15 mins but i am still scared of going and getting my hair coloured as it takes hours.

08-04-05, 13:12
I had my hair done at home for quite a while now and it is cheaper than going to the hairdresser.

Mind you I agree with Kairen and Sal if you have something to take your mind of things or chat for ages it might help.

Take care

with good wishes


08-04-05, 13:40
Juliet , its all aboiut what you think to yourself.

Energy follow sthough so if you think trapped and scared you'll feel trapped and scared so as the others say distraction and not allowing yourself to think that way makes all the difference.

The thoughts pop into all our ours head - that just happens , but as you can see, you can change those thought processes quickly thereby changing how your body responds.

The more you do it , the easier it becomes too .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-04-05, 18:54
Hi Juliet,

I have the same fear - my roots are almost 3 months old.
If you will - I will


08-04-05, 18:55
Hi Juliet,

I have the same fear - my roots are almost 3 months old.
If you will - I will


08-04-05, 19:30
Hey Juliet,

I am exactly the same, and i found that one of my friends and me time it, so we are both due a trim at the same time. I find that takes the pressure off, and there are never any awkward silences!

tracy x x

08-04-05, 21:36
Hi J

Hope some of the replies have helped you and made you see you are by know way on your own.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

09-04-05, 11:46
Thanks everyone,its good to know Im not completly barking!!I have made an appointment for this week,so I will let you know how I get on..feel a bit apprehensive,but what the hell.I think once I have done it ,it will be easier to go back and I wont leave it so long next time so I can remember that I didnt die or faint.Thanks again guys,you are all always so kind.And thankyou so much to Nicola for starting this website in the first place...I think its a lifesaver!Love T xx