View Full Version : Worried about my vision

14-05-08, 23:05
Hello Everyone,

I have had blurred vision for nearly 4 months now. I have had an eye test and an mri scan and all was clear. The doctors have said i am suffering from anxiety but my vision is affected whether i am feeling anxious or not. I have looked through some of the threads and noticed that alot of people speak of affected vision when they are having an anxiety attack. So is it normal for me to feel it 24/7 even when i am doing things i enjoy.
Also artificial lights really get to me (traffic lights, teletext, neon signs, glare from the moon) they all appear to be really out of focus. Is this normal. I also get alot of black spots covering things i am looking at. Everything i speak to my doctor about he says immediately 'anxiety' and i dont think he is really listening.

14-05-08, 23:17

I notice that supermarket lights really seem to bother me.

the tv and computer seem to bright for me to.

i do get blurred vision to which this and the above im told is all anxiety

love mandie x

14-05-08, 23:39
Hi. Just rewrite your post with my name on it - I am exactly the same. My vision is fuzzy whether i am aware of being anxious or not. My optician won't chamge my reading glasses because he says it's not a physical eye problem.

You're not alone! :hugs:

14-05-08, 23:41
Hi Pigtails

Have a read of the following which is from the symptoms section of the forum, hope it helps to reassure hun.

Eyes, Blurred vision, Eyes sensitive to light, Dry, watery or itchy eyes

What you feel:

You may see stars or movements out of the corner of your eyes that don't exist. You may also see flashing lights in your eyes or your vision may seem almost kaleidoscope-like. Sometimes you may feel that there is a dark object or something just on the outside edge of your vision, or that your vision is narrowing.

It seems your vision is blurry or out of focus, and it's more apparent now than before.

There are times when your eyes seem more sensitive to light than at others, even to a point of regular light being too bright so that you have to wear sunglasses or squint.

You feel as though your eyes are either always dry, constantly watering or itchy. And often, your eyes are red or 'glossy' looking. Even a good night's rest doesn't help.

Ciliary muscles relax - pupils dilate focusing on distant items sometimes disturbing your vision or allowing odd colours or floaters to be noticed.

What causes this:

Eyes are nerves. The nerves in the eyes send their information to the brain through the nervous system. When the nervous system is over active, the nerves in the eyes can play tricks on you which means we sometimes receive false information. These symptoms are some of the ways we receive this false information.
None of these symptoms are serious when they are attributed to anxiety disorder. However, it is important that you get a professional medical evaluation completed to ensure your condition is related to anxiety disorder.
