View Full Version : Prickly heat and allergies

13-05-08, 18:58
Hi everyone,

I have been wondering if anyone has had experience with similar symptoms. I have developed a large number of allergies in the last ten years or so. I haven't gone mad about it and I only had two allergy tests done to date. However, I have noticed that since my panic attacks started I increasingly start to worry about allergic reactions and dying from the same. So much so, that I have stopped drinking any alcohol (I tested positive for red-wine and beer yeast) and worry a lot about green vegetables (even though I had never any confirmed test on that one), red fruits (I am allergic to cheeries), and fish (I'm allergic to crustacians). All of this has immensly reduced my diet and my fun. I am also allergic to most bath foams, biological washing powder and mold. My allergic reactions to all these things vary, I get hayfever like symptoms from red-wine and cherries, my face blows up from crustacians, and I get prickly heat all over my back from washing powder and mold.
I am taking anti-hystamines on a daily basis, but some of my allergic reactions haven't stopped. Especially the prickly heat, it's like a thousand pins and needles hitting your back all at once. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't even move. I had this for years and it never really bothered me that much apart from making me feel uncomfortable and needing to find some way of cooling down quickly when it happened. I was told at the allergy clinic that I just have to live with it because they know about this condition, but they don't know what to do about it.

However, since my first panic attack a couple of months ago I start freaking out every time I get prickly heat on my back and once or twice I went into full blown panic mode because of it. And what's really strange, I don't tend to get it on the parts of my body that are exposed to the sun, but rather on those that are not. I am beginning to think that it might have become psychosomatic...
Has anyone had any similar experiences and what did you do to overcome this?



13-05-08, 19:17
I get really bad prickly heat and had an horrendous allergic reaction to something earlier this year - I posted pics on another thread somewhere. You probably get prickly heat where you are sweating and clothes rub against your skin and the pores get blocked with sweat, causing the irritation - it's very common around waistbands, backs of tshirts etc. it is horrible. I use a cream called Eurax that helps immensely with the itching. Biological washing powder and mold are really common irritants - I am very sensitive to them also.

13-05-08, 20:07
Hi there,

I have prickly heat at the mo, I get it everytime we get hot weather. It is not the sun that causes prickly heat, its when we are very hot and sweat, as it as been said by seeker the pores get bloked.

At the mo I have lots of spots, the ichey is mild. The only place I have it is at the top of my arms and across by shoulders. I would normal get it in these places and on my chest too. I have never had it anywhere else on my body over the years, just in these places.

I know for me keeping the iching at bay, I get very hot bath or shower, this opens the pours and helps clean them out, then I close them off after my bath or shower with a cold water on a cloth, this seems to keep the iching away. I also put cold water on myself thourghout the day.

You need to wear loose fitting cloths, cotton tops, tight stuff will cause you to sweat.

I know for me, I can't say how long it will last, ohh goodness me, I go away next month abraod, I hope it gone by then, I am going to a very hot country.

Hope this has been of some help, your not alone with your prickly heat, its a pain in the but, but it goes with time.

You take care