View Full Version : Please re-assure me

05-05-08, 13:19
It's me again. I'm working myself up to a state of panic. I keep on and on checking my syliva to see if there is any blood in it. To cut a long story short, I've had a camera put down my throat and I have a little inflamation in my throat, a biopsy was taken and the result was clear. So why do I still constantly keep self checking? I have cleared my throat so many times in the last few hours that my syliva is now pink. Has anyone else ever done this before and made there own throat bleed a little bit? I'm so scared and don't feel able to cope:weep:

05-05-08, 13:27
Hi Vinny,
Break your day down.
Commit to NOT checking for 15 minute periods-one at a time.
The day will pass.
Get involved in something to distract you.
Believe in your Doctors and their professionalism.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

05-05-08, 13:42
Thanks Chalky, I'm really trying hard not to but it does get the better of me and I have to check just one more time. There's no blood in my my syliva now but I do it so often I'm sure I make my own throat sore!!
Really bad day.

05-05-08, 13:57
Posted in the wrong topic sorry!!

Hi Vinny,

I too have been down the skin cancer road! I am very moley and decided that my moles where all either itchy, raised, growing etc. after having an itchy one on my back and 'researching' skin cancer!

I looked on the internet and discovered that most of my moles did look like the kind where they diagnose you with skin cancer and then give you 6 months to live!
I printed pictures off to show people so they could compare the ones on my back, the ones I couldn't see properly! I even went into my sons room at night to look at his moles while he was asleep, he is moley too and I didn't want to worry him cos some of his looked funny too and he was only 14 at the time.

I went to our docs, luckily one of the GPs is a skin specialist and I made him look at every mole on our bodies, I was amazed at what moles were ok cos according to the internet they were the most deadliest!
I ended up having two cut off, cos they rubbed on my jeans and bra and my son had a big one cut off his back, there was nothing wrong with it but he said it was in the middle of his back and teenage boys are not good with sun cream so it would be better to take it off now and then he (or me) would never have to worry about it.

He also said that once most moles are cut out, if they are cancerous then thats it cos the mole is gone and so is the cancer.

Please go to your docs, it only took one visit to mine to sort it out and its the not knowing that kills you. Once you know what you're dealing with you can just get on with and deal with it.

05-05-08, 16:23

Hugs for you firstly.

I am terrible for checking myself, and it sounds to me like the dreaded Health Anxiety is kicking in full force.

I agree with what Chalky has said, limit yourself to checking on certain times.

I hope things improve for you soon.
