View Full Version : Please please help - am in such a panic

03-05-08, 09:30
This morning I woke up and my left hand was totally numb, pins and needles, horrible feeling. Took around 30 secs for it to go back to normal. Feels ok now.

I've posted recently saying I'm terrified about MS - lots of horrible strange symptoms which my GP says is anxiety. Waiting on scan but neuro reckons I don't have a progressive illness.

Didn't have any problems like this till around 4 weeks ago - neuro asked if I'd had any sleep disturbances (I hadn't) then I start waking up with numb legs, arms, hands etc.

Can anyone please help???

Is this all in my mind? Am I doing this to myself? Am absolutely terrified.

03-05-08, 09:33
Hiya its hard but try not to panic, it is in the mind although when having these things happen its hard to see this, its common to have pins and needles when asleep and numb arms legs and things its just where we been sleeping and the position we sleep in, please dont worry you are fine hugs xxxxxx

03-05-08, 09:38
Hi Veebee,

Your GP seems confident in his diagnosis.
Your Neuro seems confident without even doing his tests yet.
What is left to fear then but the fear itself?
I have woken as you have with a numb hand -I was lying on it during the night yet it still scared me.
That is the nature of our problem.It's like a word association game.Our minds have learnt to respond to symptoms in a particular way -we ALWAYS look at the worst case scenario.We have to re-train our brains to acccept that there are rational,logical explanations for our symptoms.We have to accept that our anxiety feeds on itself.We have to accept our anxiety for what it is and face it.
Keep posting about your symptoms.
Keep reading other peoples stories and learn to accept that you are the same as others here.
You can overcome this-it will take time.
Best wishes,

03-05-08, 09:38
Thanks Donna.

Its just so terrifying - sometimes I feel like I'm really losing control over this.

03-05-08, 09:41
Thanks Chalky - that's what everyone keeps telling me! If it was me listening to someone else in this position its exactly what I would say.

no-one else seems to worried - but I keep thinking what if everyone is wrong? what if I've not explained my symptoms well, or if they've missed something?

totally irrational, I know. I just can't stop thinking the worst.

03-05-08, 10:20
Hi Veebee,

"I just can't stop thinking the worst".

I hear this so many times.
You are saying that you do not have a choice in this.
"Can't" properly expressed is "can not".
You CAN choose NOT to accept your anxious thinking.
You CAN challenge your anxious thinking.
You CAN accept that your Doctors know what they are doing and are looking after you properly.
You CAN read about people here who have successfully overcome this and who do this every day.
You CAN beat this.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

03-05-08, 10:21
hiya veebee. of cause you carnt stop thinking about it thats what the anx makes us think like. but just because you keep thinking the worse it dont mean you are right and everyone elso may be wrong, although thats what the anxiety is good at ( makeing us beleive there is more to it). when you get these thoughts try ur best to get busy and distract ur self dont sit there and dwell on them convincing urself you are not ok. and are you googleing ur symptoms? if so stop it wont help you. i totaly understand how you feel as i have been like you. pm anytime ok hun if you want to .
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


03-05-08, 10:23
yup, googling all the time, its like some sort of sick addiction for me. even doing it when I'm at work, have asked my colleagues to stop me if they see me on web.

trying to busy myself but not easy. sorry to sound so pathetic! I just don't feel like me anymore.

miss diagnosis
03-05-08, 10:31
cybercondria is a horrible thing.the internet sure does have its downsides.

please dont worry about waking up with pins and needles.this happens to me all the time.its cos i slept on it funny. and as for MS im not 100% sure on this as its not one of my ailments! but isnt it generally diagnoised in childhood?
Im sure your absoulty fine

03-05-08, 10:35
I'm at the right age for MS (according to google) - 30s, and female too.

Everything started with a 'trapped nerve' in my arm - my partner and I had been dummy fighting, he grabbed my arm and seems to have been sore from then on in. Hand was also numb feeling. Of course, what do I do, but get on and google it - and guess what comes up...

worried about it but it went away and then came back in feb...went away and then it came back in march. have had a lot of work/personal stress recently so don't know if that's making it all worse.

03-05-08, 11:41
hi veebee,
my neighbour and my fella gets this babe honestly, im like you and if it was me id be thinking its all sorts!! but ITS NOT!! your just lying on a nerve or something, do you sleep with your arm tucked under your pillowand like you said you trapped a nerve! my oh gonna try just one pillow tonight cos thinks this isnt helping.. he wakes up with pins needles and aches and pains all over honestly hun.. he shrugs it off and gets on with it!! people like you and me!! worry bout it which makes symptoms escalate!! please dont worry its really common

03-05-08, 12:49
hey there, yup I always sleep all bunched up, calves curled back underneath my thighs, wrists bent, fingers bent, arms underneath me. I don't remember being bothered by it until recently. My boyfriend says if it was a really awful MS related cramp/paralysis type of thing then it wouldn't go away so quickly.

Have calmed down a wee bit since this morning - had a bit of a cry about half an hour ago!