View Full Version : Struggling a bit

02-05-08, 10:31
Hi everyone.

It's been a long time since I came onto this forum. Last year was a hellish year for me anxiety-wise, but as I recovered from the acute stress my therapist advised breaking bad habits...so that meant no googling symptoms, no watching Street Doctor and perhaps not coming onto this forum so much.

And I was doing so well. Felt happy for the first time in ages, felt healthy too, and so much more positive and able to manage my anxiety.

But now the anxiety beast has made its presence felt again for various reasons. First there was the worry about melanoma (which took me to the GP to have a mole checked out, and she made me feel so stupid and guilty that I don't want to go back), then a worry about lymphoma (again), and now a worry about tiredness (caused by autoimmune-related pernicious anaemia, not so odd because it's common in people with thyroid disorders and I have that). I feel so tired all the time, can't wake up easily in the morning and can't stay up late...despite a solid 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

I just don't know what to do. But writing this and knowing you all understand felt like the right thing to do. And I want to say thank you for reading this far!

I would welcome any advice...but just reaching out to you all has taken some of the heaviness off my heart. :blush:

Anna. x

02-05-08, 10:48
Hey Anna

Well I think its a good thing you have posted on here.

Hmm I know what your saying about medical programmes, I must admit I do watch them even though I know i really shouldn't. Although I know longer google, google is the ultimate NO NO for me!!

I think its fine to go to the doctors to haev a mole checked out, I have had one on my shoulder checked out several times, and my doc has always been fine with checking it for me. She said its better to be safe than sorry.
I have lost count the amount of times I have gone to my doctor with bizarre thoughts in my head, and I am really sorry to hear that you feel like your not being taken seriously.

Have you tried being frank with your GP about it? And saying you know you suffer from anxiety but you have a genuine concern about being tired all the time would they look into it for you? I do get really tired and de motivaited when my HA is particularly bad.
If not maybe try a different GP if you have lost faith in this one.

Firstly though Hugs for you - you will get through this bad patch


milly jones
02-05-08, 14:33
hi hun,

ive had a recurrence recently and i also feel i need a topup of cbt.

have u tried 'livinglifetothefull.co.uk' or similar.

i have used this whilst im waiting for new session times.

i agree that googling is no good, but i do think the help sort, advice and company on this site is worth its weight in gold. also support from an understanding gp is essential to aid recovery.

hope this helps a little,

milly xxxx

02-05-08, 17:00
Hi Anna... i agree with all of the above... i have had the same experience as you, my anxiety has suddenly reoccured after a long period of being anx free and it has been a real shock to the system.. i was interested to see that you said you have a thyroid condition.... my daughter was born with an underactive thyroid, well actually she has no functioning thyroid at all, and we have had an ongoing battle with her thyroxine medication for the last 19 years off and on... when her dose is too high she can't sleep, she looses weight and her heart races and when her dose is too low, she can have problems with bloating, hair thining and can become totally exhusted by the slightest activity.. i only mention this cos you didn't say what sort of thyroid problems you have or whether you a having any treatment...Thyroid problems can be really tricky to treat and can certainly affect your energy levels... i would say it would be worth going back to your doctor (or another doctor cos the doc you saw sounds like a waste of space ) and discussing this and your anxiety with them...... let us know how you get on... you can pm anytime
Rachel :bighug1:

07-05-08, 11:25
Thank you so much for all your kind replies :)

I've been to the GP this morning (a different one, who was quite nice), and he's ordered throid function tests and a full blood count (to rule out anaemia). I should have the results next week.

Obviously, me being me, I still fret that it could be cancer or MS but I'm going to try not to worry too much til I have the blood results.

I'm also going for another round of CBT...this time with a guy who specialises in health anxiety. I think it might help.

Best wishes all, and thanks again. :hugs:

Anna. x

07-05-08, 11:50
Other people seem to have covered most of your fears but I just wanted to agree that there really shouldn't be a problem asking your doctor to check out a mole. It's a quick and simple procedure for them and exactly the sort of thing they keep telling us we should be doing. If anything she should have congratulated you for being pro-active. Maybe time for a change of doctor?

07-05-08, 14:53
I got my doctor to check every mole on my body when I was worried about skin cancer! I was amazed that they were all ok cos according to google they were all the deadliest type lmao!!!