View Full Version : Too late for help.

01-05-08, 12:05
Going on from day to day,
Needing somebody to talk and confide.
Projecting an image of happyness.
All streesed out with nowhere to hide.
Feeling guilty for possessing emitions.
Looking for a brighter day.
Desperatly hopeing the time well come,
When bad memories will fade away.
Wanting to hit out with anger,
But nothing comes from violance.
Feeling so alone,
When I'm suffering in silence.


I sit in your car.
That's progress.
It's all over my skin,
I don't feel clean.
That's progress.
Remember, remember,
This feelin's forever.
That's progress.
Too much reflecting,
Spare him of his feeling's.
That's progress.


I sat and reflected on my life,
And tried to see,
What remained of me.
What was left after everyone had taken
what they considered belonged to them.
Some took my dream's, my hope, my trust.
Other's bagged my love, my faith and truth,
But nobody wanted my pain, my fear, my emptiness,
And that's what remained of me.
Lost and confused,
Used and abused,
Scarred to my soul,
Twisded and torn,
Wrenched apart,
Disillusioned, maimed,
That's what remained.


01-05-08, 12:12
Hi there just wanna say that i have read all your poems and they are very powerful and obviously help you to do this. but have you spoken to people close friends, any family or outsiders about this because i know from experience different from your but in order to move on and feel better you have to keep talking and understanding until you eventually bit by bit you can learn to cope with all this anger upset etc etc and start to feel happy in yourself hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx