View Full Version : Just after a bit of reassurance if u can

24-04-08, 13:05
I've been feelin really crap these last few days, it all started with me feeling really low and miserable, for no real reason. But now i'm getting the bouncy feelin in my legs and the throat problems. i know deep down that its all anxiety related but it doesnt make it any easier to deal with.

Just thought id share my problems at the mo cuz it helps a bit.

Thanks for reading :wacko:

24-04-08, 13:10
:hugs: hope you feel better soon, it does just come out of no where sometimes doesn't it.

anx x

24-04-08, 13:17
hey billywhizz

Its rubbish isn't it. It does come from no where. Yesterday I just felt the anxiety rise, and my chest was hurting and this led to all sorts of daft thoughts.

its good to share, helps me talk myself down


24-04-08, 13:21
:hugs: Billy have a hug from me cos I know how you feel right now :hugs: xxx

funky chick
24-04-08, 13:24
sending you hugs Billywhizz hope you feel better soon take care love Gail xxxxxxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

24-04-08, 14:11
Here are some hugs from me too...:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Anxiety sucks!!!!!:bighug1:

I hate the fact that it comes out of the blue - can be feeling fine one minute then bam!!:shrug:

24-04-08, 14:23
thanks peeps, its nice to no theres people out there who care an understand.

feelin a little better for now.
