View Full Version : What a week!

Pink Panic
15-04-08, 16:50

15-04-08, 16:55
I know how you are feeling totally!! I would feel extactly the same way!

I have a different outlook since joing this site

"I can do it and I will do it" - It is the thoughts that panic you NOT the place.

I am going to try and let the feelings happen and not run away until they don't frighten me anymore.

Good luck

Karen xxx

15-04-08, 17:13
:ohmy: :winks: :yesyes: what a busy eventful couple of days pink! but youve managed well, so give yourself a big pat on the back, keep positive and GO to the do:yesyes: as i have avoided all of my husbands works do's and made him stay at home with me:blush: we are now very alone:weep: with only ourselves to blame - well not blame, but we cant blame anyone else and we cant blame each other,coz wed kill one another! so i take the responsibility:blush: if you dont go you dont know how much of a good time you could have? have a few shandies and take the bull by the horns, keep away from fantasising about what could happen as it never ever happens the way you imagine it:wacko: you deserve to live your life and you have to take the first steps to having that no matter how hard they are - use nmps motto - just *******do it!!!!! (i think thats the motto - sorry if it isnt:blush: , but just *******do it anyway!:yesyes: )

15-04-08, 17:25
Way to go Emma!! :D
Karen x

15-04-08, 17:47
you are very brave pink, b strong xxxx hugs