View Full Version : Dance Yourself Dizzy

11-04-08, 23:50

Before i suffered with agorophobia i used to love to go line dancing:blush: . As i am much better now i would really like to start doing it again.

I have been on a few evenings out since recovering where i have been asked to get up and dance, my problem been when i dance i go really dizzy. I thought it could be anxiety but even when i mess around trying to dance at home (you now how you do, act the fool at home with the kids trying to show off your dance movements behind closed doors:winks: ) i still go dizzy and have to stop.

Does anybody else have this problem?


12-04-08, 06:48
I used to do a lot of activites as I am only 24 years old, but now whenever I try to do anything i used to do for fun (handball, soccer, pool, ping pong) I get pretty dizzy.. :(

12-04-08, 09:40
Hiya Andrea

I found I had to battle through that dizzy/anxiety feeling in the end. Initially it stopped me from going to the gym, but I used to get it in meetings, or seminars etc and found that I just could not avoid all situations.

In the end I found that the dizzyness subsided the more I was exposed to situations that made me dizzy, to the extent that I started going back to the gym, and going out.

I still get the dizzy spells now, but they tend to go if I pay them no mind (although this takes practise).

Good luck


12-04-08, 11:52
Thanks alot Jab and Jaco for your replies, i geuss your right Jaco the more i practise the easier it will become. Im really looking forward to starting the line dancing again its good exercise too. I will just have to make sure i start off slowly and build meself up again.:) No spinning round on my head like Micheal Jackson to start with:winks: .

Thanks guys
