View Full Version : Anxiety and confidence problems

08-04-08, 21:30
I don't seem to have much confidence right now. I worry about myself 24/7 and have alot of imagined worries some of which stop me doing things.

I feel bad because I go on about myself and my problems to friends/family and a few friends had enough of me going on about how crap things were in my life, so is no longer as good a friend. I need to ask everybody reassurance on almost everything like "is this ok" and "will I be ok if I do this" and I was really bad a year ago when I split with my ex girlfriend and she left me. I have tried to stop worrying but it still continues.

Sometimes when I meet new people I'm a bit quiet and look a bit tense when I am out and can be hard to get to know when I'm not as relaxed.

I think I am driving people like friends away and I've been for a few job interviews and not got the job so feel I am doing something wrong.

Can anybody offer me any advice or relate to how I am feeling? I think it's a bit of a confidence thing but I'm not sure.

08-04-08, 22:43
Hi Phil..... you are having a tough time at the moment and nothing will sap your confidence like Anxiety.... i know what you mean about feeling like friends are gonna get sick of hearing about your fears etc i have felt like this at times too but real friends will always be there to listen... i have lots of friends but only a couple of really good friends who i know i can tell when im feeling rubbish... not everyone will understand what you are going thru but people on this site will, so keep posting... the worst thing any of us can do when we are feeling low is keep it all bottled up... you can pm me anytime you need to vent..or try the chat room if you just need to talk... hang in there.. as you begin to feel better your confidence will increase....
:hugs: Best Wishes