View Full Version : Completely freaking out.

25-03-08, 04:44
I am usually a reader on this forum but not a writer, but I really cant handle this anymore. All I can think about is the fact that I have a brain tumor. I haven't been diagnosed or anything, but my head always hurts in one area most of the time. I mean, I get headaches all the time, but this pain is always in the back of my head. I am so so scared, it's all I can focus on. I can't figure out any other explanation that this pain might be coming from, it's just terrifying. I get headaches in other parts of my head too, but this particular part of my head is all I can really focus on. I go to the doctor a lot and they don't think there's anything wrong but I keep thinking of things to tell them after the fact. I feel like I might not be giving them enough information. Could this head pain be anything else? I really need some reassurance... slowly going berserk.

25-03-08, 08:07

Hope your feeling OK...

Anxiety is well known for headaches, I spend most days with a headache. Whereabouts is the pain?

With regards to the doctor, are they aware you suffer from anxiety? And are you on any meds etc....

If you have trouble remembering everything you want to say write it down, thats what I do.
I always forget what I am meant to be talking about.

Hope you feel better soon


25-03-08, 10:07
I agree with Emira, write down what you want to say to the doctor as I always forget something as well.I think the doctor would have sent you for tests if he thought there was something wrong.I used to think I had a brain tumor but 20 years later I am still here:yesyes:

25-03-08, 11:08
A brain tumour is progressive and involves a constant and extremely severe headache followed normally by loss of the use of a limb, blindness and speech problems. It does not come and go.
A headache is just a headache and is probably caused by your high stress levels and worrying. You are fine, you need to replace all your worrying with something productive that you enjoy. Best of luck.

25-03-08, 12:07

Is the pain at the very back on your head above the nape of your neck.
I notice that when I am very worried I clench my jaw and this gives me very bad pain in my head at the back. I have to make a consious note to relax my jaw. Then after a few days of doing this the head pain gets better.


25-03-08, 13:27
if this is causing you such anxiety you need to get some peace of mind. make an appointment to see your GP - write everything down - even take a print out of this post ! He wil be able to reassure you or even refer you for an MRI scan. This kind of worry drains you - so take action now.
Be kind to yourself

26-03-08, 09:35
Thanks a lot you guys, what you're saying makes me feel a lot better. The funny thing is, throughout my day I am usually fine and tend to not worry about the possibility of anything being wrong but when I get home and have to spend an evening by myself I slowly drive myself crazy with anxiety. I have been diagnosed with OCD but not hypochondria. I live in Korea, and my hypochondria started about six months after I moved here from Canada- away from my family, friends, etc. I am just so so scared that something drastic will happen to me before I see them again. Thank you again, really. It helps to know you aren't alone! I have a doctor's appt. on Tuesday for a full body check up and it's a foriegner's clinic so I shouldnt have to worry about things getting lost in translation. Thanks again!