View Full Version : A horrible panic attack - encouragement/explaination please

20-03-08, 16:00

I haven't been on here for a while now and generally things have been going very well. I think I can even say i felt 'normal' again for a short period. I went to Australia with my mum to visit relatives a couple of weeks ago and I got loads of confidence from that. Then when i was back in London I felt I could go anywhere, it was great, until....

A few days ago I got the tube and there was a security alert (my first attack was triggered by a similar experience). I panicked and then became parnoid a bomb was going to go off. I got off the train as was instructed anyway and calmed down a bit and then got back on the tube about 20 minutes later to finish my journey. The train stopped in the tunnel for a few minutes and it was horrendous. I literally felt the adrenaline rush into my stomach and then felt such a feeling of despair. I had the useful feelings of not being able to breath, blurred vision, dread etc.

Anyway that was a couple of days ago. But i feel like I have gone so far back. I feel dizzy again, just want to get home, feel disorientated its horrible. I understand why i had the panic attack but can anyone explain to me why these feelings still remain days later and whether they will just be temporary or this is the start of the whole gorrible experience i have had again.


20-03-08, 21:58
Hi MLondon,

Please put this in its proper context.
Yes,this was an absolutely horrendous experience but it was made worse by the fact that it was so unexpected given how well you have been doing.It would have been tough even for one of those "normal" people.
Remember the progress you have made and dwell on it not on a "blip".
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
best wishes,

21-03-08, 00:23
Hi MLondon,

I totally understand your feelings on this subject. I worked in the City during the early 1990's when all the bombs were going off and remember clearly the Bishopsgate bombing, I worked just round the corner and was stuck on a tube, they shut the station in front and behind us and we were stuck!

As Chalky said, situations like that are tough on 'normal' people - I'm really not at all suprised your still having panic attacks a few days after - it took me alot longer before my panic attacks calmed down, but when I saw the devastation of the buildings and loss of lives, it does put the panic & anxiety into perspective. It is just a blip, remember all those other great things you've been able to do, try and focus on the positives

Best wishes, becky