View Full Version : Face won't stop twitching

14-03-08, 16:21
For about the past two weeks my left and right eye lid and eye brow have been twitching constantly. It's gotten to the point where it is seriously a distraction for me.

I have read that a lot of people experience this, but two weeks seems like a long time for it to continuously happen. Have you dealt with this before? If so, how long did it last? I don't want to start freaking out and think that I have some terrible disease, but I would like some honest advice on what to do.

I do admit I have been under a fair amount of stress and also have only been giving myself about 5-6 hours a sleep per night. Perhaps that's it.

Anyways, any help/guidance would be great!! :hugs:

tayside lassie
14-03-08, 18:29
hiya , like you said everyone gets it ive had it myself doctor says its just nerves muscle twitch the more i paid attention to it the more it would happen my partner gets it in is hand beside is thumb you actually see the muscle pulling .dont stress yourself its nothing im sure .


14-03-08, 19:11
Hi Sobay, I had this for a few weeks before - drove me nuts. I would wake up with it, go to sleep with it and have it most of the day. It eventually went away so try not to obsess over it.

14-03-08, 20:35
I think you will find you answered your own post there, stress and lack of sleep both cause these, my husband always gets a twitchy eye when he is stressed or overly tired (He does't suffer with anxiety) I am sure if you can chage your life slightly by destressing and getting more sleep you will notice a difference.

14-03-08, 21:54
Hi I have been getting those twitches at the side of my eye on and off since I was a teenager, I'm now 47 so I dont honestly think it is anything to worry about. I know it can feel annoying but try to ignore it. My mother used to tell me its just a nerve and I think it is. I also get them in my leg and that can go on for days.


19-03-08, 06:07
Thanks for the replies all. It's still twitching and driving me mad, but I'll do what you suggested on not obsess over it, in hopes that it will subside.

I've never met you, but I consider you all my friend.

Thanks again.

Joe :)

19-03-08, 11:36
I assure you this is nothing to worry about. I have been through serveral phases of twitching in my eyes and eyebrows, and i always found this was when i was going through stress and when the panic was worse, and my sleep was less. It is just a normal reaction to increased panic and lack of sleep, so dont worry : )

19-03-08, 12:11
Hi Sobay,

Yeah i get this alot too, mine can last for days on end also. I know it's hard but try to ignore it and it WILL go away, i promise.


Gemma T
15-02-09, 21:36
Dont you hate the twitching. how annoying. I get mine at the top of my cheek under my left eye. your right it is so distracting but nothing to worry about x x x :D