View Full Version : Thanks for the support, I'm off

13-03-08, 12:58
I would like to say a massive thanks to everyone, and to wish you all farwell.

I have today come to terms with my anxiety. I've run a psychological test on myself - quite simply, do my symptoms go away if I stop thinking about them?

YES, they do. so I've been forcing myself to do other stuff, to focus on happy things and not even think "how are the symptoms now"? I figure that if I was genuinely ill, I wouldn't have been able to go for the run I went for earlier. I wouldn't have been able to get up. And my symptoms wouldn't just go away.

As much help as this forum has been, I know that ultimately, it forces me to think about my anxiety endlessly. So I'm cutting it out of my daily routine. I am fine. I am fit and well. I wish you all the very best.

I'll leave you with the lyrics of the song that always helps me:

Lately/did you ever see the pain
In the morning rain
As it soaks you to the bone
Maybe I just want to fly/wanna live I don't wanna die
Maybe I just wanna breathe/maybe I just don't believe
Maybe you're the same as me/we'll see things they'll never see
You and I are gonna live forever


13-03-08, 13:01
Hey good luck - and thanks for the advice you gave me earlier....

Don't forget to come back if you need anything though


13-03-08, 13:21

Hi Atmolav, I'm very happy to see that you have your anxiety under control, please feel free to come back and visit us and let us know how your doin, i wish you all the best. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

14-03-08, 16:15
Pleased to hear you're doing so well - good luck for the future.

Don't forget about us altogether - you may be able to help someone by keeping us up to date with your successful progress.
