View Full Version : Boil/spot behind ear

27-02-08, 16:20
I started with what felt like a pimple behind my ear lobe about 2 weeks ago, really sore and I even had glands up below it, was very uncomfortable but it started to go down after a few days but then has come back up but this time it feels really soft and squishy, not like a normal spot, like a blister?

I can't see it but dh says it looks fleshy and refuses to touch ithttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/laugh.gif

Its about pea size, I have just been putting antiseptic cream on it but its not going down. It feels abit sore, not as sore as it was but its not going down at all. Any ideas on how to get rid?http://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif its very annoying. I haven't had anything like this before, I have been quite spotty recently but this isn't like a normal spot, lol!

It won't need antibiotics will it? it is something I can leave and not have to bother the GP with I mean? I have been doing well anxiety wise for a while now so I don't want to be going to see my GP about something he might laugh at:roflmao:

27-02-08, 16:28
Could be a spot or a little boil.Just keep adding antiseptic cream,but dont keep touching it.It should go down on its own,or will come to a head.I dont think its serious.If it continues or your really worried ask your chemist,there pretty good.:hugs: :hugs:

27-02-08, 16:36
It may be a sebaceous cyst; a hair follicle that's gotten clogged up and infected. I have one too its not nice! Have a look in the mirror if you can -if it has a little black spot on it that's a good indicator. Don't squeeze it whatever you do (it can lead to nasty infections) and talk to your GP or pharmacist if you're concerned. If it is a sebaceous cyst then you can ease the swelling by placing a hot washcloth on it for about 15 mins twice a day -that makes the gunge inside melt and get re-absorbed bit by bit.

27-02-08, 18:13

No it doesn't have a black spot on it?? is that good or bad?lol!

It just feels like a blister, its kind of skin colour and about the size of a garden pea;-)

29-02-08, 13:18
It probably still is a cyst but maybe best get the opinion of your GP hun, I'm sure its nothing to be concerned about ;-)

29-02-08, 14:39
Yes I went the GP and it is a sabaceous cyst, he said it isnt infected. Its sore but he said not sore enough to warrent anti bs so I have to monitor it. He said its nothing to worry about though.

I hope it goes on its own, do they usually?