View Full Version : Can a chest infection cause you to get panic attacks?

25-02-08, 17:20
Hi I'm new here and this is my first post.

My story is that since the age of 16 I had panic attacks but eventually found these were down to Hypoglycaemia (Low blood sugar). I have a glucose meter and can monitor it well.

However, in January I had a cold followed by a chest infection. Because I worry about everything I didn't take my antibiotics, but it seems to have cleared itself up, though I'm left with a cough.

Just walking down the road last week I had a really bad panic attack like I've not had for years. I also had a new meter which said I was ok. I've since found out that meter was reading high.

Anyway, all week I've been getting anxious over what seems the slightest thing.

A nurse told me that chest infections can bring on panic attacks. Wonder if anyone else has heard of this and can confirm it.

I sort of feel ok, but then again this cough is still niggling at me so I may not be right yet.

Usually I'm quite relaxed but this has really got me this time.

Thnaks for your help



25-02-08, 18:15
Hi Steve and a big welcome to NMP, at the moment am having a panic attack which is been brought on by what I think is a chest infection, I need to go to the doctors to get this confirmed but I always feel more paniky when Im ill, have a good look round the site Im sure you'll find your answers and I hope you feeling better soon, and I look forward to seeing you around the site

Take Care

Emma xx

25-02-08, 20:49
I think just being ill can make yu more panicky. The body is fighting infection and this can make you feel low and that makes yu more frightened. Yu sound as though your panicky feelings are often related to your sugar levels so maybe this needs checking. I would also make sure that the infection has definately gone as it could still be lingering.

25-02-08, 20:57
Hi Steve,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
It's good that you have had your panics under a good deal of control.
We are,however,like elephants-we never forget!!
Subconsciously,your mind has gone back to the old way of dealing with this threat(chest infection) by pushing your anxiety levels way up.
Try to focus on the positive-getting the infection treated.
Being unwell is food and drink to anxiety.
You will overcome this.
Best wishes,Chalky

26-02-08, 07:07
Thanks for all the replies. Trouble is the docs say there's nothing wrong with my lungs they are clear - well that's what the casualty docs say. Perhaps I should go back to my GP. I don't feel ill, but then again perhaps this chest infection is lingering and is taking the edge off my breathing so I can't get enough air in when I'm exerting myself.

What worried me last week was it seemed that every time I walked I'd get anxious. Weird! Then I had the problem of a cr@p glucose meter so when I was almost hypo it told me I was OK so I didn't eat. That's made me so so angry!

I'll keep looking on here in the hope I can help others.

A BIG HUG to everyone - though sometimes you want to be left alone when not well. Can't stand being hugged or restricted when anxious. Then again as a baby no matter how tightly the nurse wrapped the blanket round me I would always get my arms out - so mum told me!!!!

Have a good day everyone - keep calm