View Full Version : I've got myself into a right panic :(

21-02-08, 00:56
I always get like this with all the little health things that bother me.
I always get panicy and worried about it for no reason and think it's something far worse than it is.
Today, it's my neck.
It's hard to describe, but when I really deep in my neck (it hurts to feel it), there's a lump on each side at the bottom. It feels more prominent on one side, but it might just be me.
I know when I think about it logically it's probably normal and just bones and stuff, but today I've kept worrying about it and I'm getting myself so worked up.
I only noticed them a few years ago, but I just shrugged it off thinking it's part of the bones or natural structure in my neck.
Why it's bothering me today I don't know, but It's really upsetting me.
What do I do guys?

21-02-08, 09:48
Try and distract yourself, is there anything you can do to absorb yourself, reading a book even, if you can,not easy if your at work or have children to look after I know.
Hope this helps:flowers:
p.s If you have had it i few years it's probably nothing.:yesyes:

21-02-08, 14:12
I had a long bath, read a book, and felt better after a few hours.
I talked to my mum about it, she felt her neck and has exactly the same thing.
So it's obviously just a normal thing hahaha. :blush:
I feel like such an idiot!
But this it usually is.
Ah well, at least I can relax now :)