View Full Version : panic attacks was my first sign

12-03-05, 09:05
one day at home i felt strange. couldnt concentrate.then my heart started beating really fast.i was breathing shallow and fast.i went dizzy.tingling in my arms and feet.i thought i was going to die !!" when it past my muscle went into spasms.i was going to the toilet alot my hands and feet were cold i felt wammy all afternoon. well wot a shock it was to me that day little did i know it was the beginning of worse to come. just like the first one along came another attack 2 weeks after . then another a week after by this time my family pushed me to go to doctors. so i did (unfortanaty it was my 40th birthday 18th jan 2005)my doc then told me it was pannic attacks and depresson and i should not have not left it as long .that same evening wen i should have been celebrating my 40th bithday i was admitted to hospital as i could not funtion no more.i was twitching uncontrollable all over and they gave me diazapam. at that time i didnt realise i was having a breakdown. from that night i was well looked after by docters nurses and family . i went through hell just to carry on .i will finish for now and talk about the rest later there is so much to tell. my advice to anyone get help with the first pannic attack and dont leave it like i did. i was going through a bad time and my body took over to tell me inuf was inuf listen to the first warning signs so it does not get any worse

dove x x

12-03-05, 09:26

What you're describing is a classic pattern.

It is true that the sooner you get help and support the easier it is but it is never too late....

**my body took over to tell me inuf was inuf listen to the first warning signs so it does not get any worse**
How true this is. I see people all the time who continue to battle on and end up worse off than if they'd had a break and revamp earlier on .

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

12-03-05, 12:04
Hi and Welcome to the site. I had my first panic about 40 years ago, thought it was a heart attack and was admitted to hospital. They did all sorts of tests e.g. etc and kept me overnight. At that time there didn’t seem to be much help about. They let me go in the morning and said if it happens again go to your Doctor. I went to Doctors many times over the next year or two and also was getting to scared to go anywhere, as you say it was horrid. All the Doctor seemed to say in them days were pull you together and though I was just after sick notes not to go to work. I found now over the years the only person who can help is you yourself. You will get lots of help from People on this site and lots of advice on what to read etc. A very good book I read was Essential Help For Your Nerves by Clare Weeks, Its a 400 page book but well broke up and easy to read. I read a little every night before going to sleep and it made me feel comfortable and so much better. I also found deep relaxation with positive affirmations help to but from past experience found relaxation wont work unless u do it daily even when you feel OK. Any way hope you get the help you need and feel better soon, Good Luck. Vernon

12-03-05, 15:38
hi there,


Like Meg says, it is NEVER too late to recover. Stick around and I hope we can help you..

Sarah :D

12-03-05, 17:54
Hi Dove

Welcome aboard. It took me nearly 2 years for the doctors to do anything about my panic attacks and by that time they were out of control. I wish I was given help much earlier on.

Hope we can be of some help to you too.


12-03-05, 18:46
hi i too had a breakdown 5 years ago i did go into a psychiatric unit and whilst there lots of things happened to prolong my illness, my partner left me, sold the house and took my two sons then aged 4 and 12, so that when i had made some sort of recovery and came out i was totally alone.i then took to self harm and various other things until i got the medical help i needed in the form of tablets i have been well from then up til 2 years ago when i got the all too familiar feelings and this time got the help i needed immediately before the next breakdown came i just have depression now and panic which i have learnt to live with and is well controlled hope you find being her helpful i know i have, done so many things since being here and am now almost if not fully recovered then have a livable life

fan x

12-03-05, 19:59
thanks for your kind words . fan i am so sorry to here about your breakdown and loss that was terrible for you glad you are ok now. that gives me hope.im finding it hard to cope at the moment with my family i have a husband and 3 kids (15 13 and 5 ).they are trying to understand how i feel but no one knows untill they have been this bad, these last few days i have had thoughts like if it was easy to switch a switch off and i was no longer here i would press it . then i look into my kids faces and hate myself for thinking that , i just feel so unhappy i dont enjoy nothing at all right now. so reading your posts are really the only thing i am interested in right now thank you so much all of you for making this sight people like me need it thanks x x x x

dove x x

12-03-05, 21:55
hi it does get easier.....that is so hard to believe right now i know but stick around we will help you and although its a long hard slog there is a light at the end of it

fan x

12-03-05, 22:37
hi dove,
it probably feels like you are never going to get better but you really, really will. you are doing something to help yourself, which is great. it's a cliche, but once you've hit rock bottom, things have got to start getting better…
let us know how you're getting on,
henri x