View Full Version : Vascular Dementia worry

05-02-08, 22:06
Hi All

Its been a while since I have been on here as I have been coping with my dads illness. He developed Vascular dementia and has just passed away on Saturday. I am now stressed out as well as grieving. I am concerned that I will develop the same even though it seems to be caused by lifestyle. I cant think straight at the moment and that makes me worry that I am starting with this complaint.

I am begining to find it hard to cope with the worry.

Any help please


tayside lassie
06-02-08, 09:22
im ever so sorry about youre dad,i think when we suffer from anxiety and someone has died of so n so we"re all inclined to worry will i get this i done the same after i lost my parents only i took it to far nearly went off the rails because of it . youll be all right you take care.

sally... :hugs: :hugs:

06-02-08, 10:06
sorry to hear about your dad! It has to be very hard, you are under a lot of stress at the moment!

After having a quick read you are right it appears to be associated with lifestyle or certain conditions, though it indicates if you have proper treatment for these conditions there shouldn't be a problem. If you are concerned it could be a hereditory thing speak to your doctor it might be something worth putting on your file, you could be just looked at a bit more closely if that would be of any comfort.

I hope you feel better soon, try keep yourself busy it might help with the worrying.

Take care,

27-02-08, 11:09
Hello there,

I'm very sorry to hear about your dad, that must have been devastating. I read a book recently called Optimum Nutrition for the Mind (am I allowed to plug that?!?) that has all sorts of nutrition information on how to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Maybe that could help?
