View Full Version : keep feeling

celia davies
03-02-08, 15:43
my heartbeat in my throat its like a strong vibrating it comes an goes but sort of takes my breath away is this anxiety

05-02-08, 15:10
I'm not sure if this is what i also get soi'll describe and see if its the same???

I get like a thud in my throat that also takes my breath away, its in the soft part between the 2 lumpy bones that start the collar bone?

This used to scare me horrendously, i went to the docs and he said ectopic beats, brought on by my health anxiety and made worse by more anxiety.

Since learning to live with it it happens much less and when it does i dont panick so much anymore - still un-nerving though.

Cassi xxx

05-02-08, 17:36
i have the same thing, not as often now, but i used to have this everyday. i would feel like a fluttering in my throat and my heart would thud in my chest. the best way to describe it is that i felt like my heart was skipping a beat. i went to the doctor and they did an ekg. my heart is fine and the odd beats are caused by anxiety.

go to the doctor if you're still concerned. this will put your mind at ease.

12-02-08, 09:34
Oh wow!!!! this is excatly what I have, I thought it was stress, worry etc but I wasn't sure, thank you for posting this and thank you to the people who answered. I'm abroad and it's very expensive and scary to see the doctor, this has put my mind to rest, it is hard to live with but I think it goes over time.

12-02-08, 09:43
I also get this, usually when i am nervous about something.
I had an overactive thyroid and thought it was due to that as it is in that area of the throat, but i still get it sometimes when i am worrying about something, so i think mine is definately due to anxiety.