View Full Version : have to force myself

02-02-08, 15:50
i recently lost my mum and it looks like it has lead me to suffer from health anxiety where i have m,ade myself believe that my stomache burn is cancer,but along with this has come this feeling of not wanting to get up and not wanting to go to work.im 37 and always been outgoin and quite boasterous,but i went to town today and in the shops with my daughter i started to get this headache,it made me light headed and i just wanted to get out,the same happened when i went to my sisters her children and the noise was driving me mad,can anybody offer me some reasoning and perhaps a way to deal with it,ive been on sertraline for 5 days now i know it wont be working yet but i feel really down thanks jason

02-02-08, 16:25

what you described are all typical anxiety symptoms, the light heads, the feeling that you need to escape, the not wanting to do anything.

The best way to deal with it all is to stand your ground and not run from these feelings, because if the anxiety knows it can get the better of you it will keep coming.

The meds generally take between a month and six weeks until you feel the full benefits of them, so just try to keep yourself busy for now and dont let the symptoms over take you


Trac xxxx

02-02-08, 16:28
Hi Jason

I'm really sorry to hear of your sad loss!!

Sounds to me like your anxiety is giving you a run for your money. Everything you have described is classic of anxiety so i wouldn't go worrying that it's anything serious. You have only been on your meds for 5 days too, and i'm afraid they will take a little longer to take effect but will benefit you in the long run.

Take care and i hope you feel better soon.


02-02-08, 16:52
Hi Jason

Sorry to hear of your loss.

I've never been on meds but I've heard you do tend to feel worse before they kick in so try and persevere for the moment.

I agree with Trac, try not to run from or avoid the feelings. If you face them and see that they wont harm you then you'll get better at coping with them.

Jo xxxxx

02-02-08, 17:30
thanks guys its really getting me down

02-02-08, 17:41

Try not to let it get you down mate, once it does that then it can really take you over, try to stay positive and keep busy doing things you enjoy.


Trac xx

02-02-08, 18:23
i will do my best trac,not got much support mypartner doesnt understand infact shes making it harder at times,we dont live together but she keeps throwing moods and it just adds to my stress.

02-02-08, 18:41
Hi Jason
I know its hard but like others have said you must make yourself carry on as normally as you can or the anxiety will take over. I was getting feelings like yours when i went out over christmas and stopped going out for a few days and within a week i was becoming agorophobic and getting panic symptoms as soon as i got a few minutes from home. Its an awful feeling but i decided i just had to carry on, i started citalopram and am feeling much better although today when i was out clothes shopping i started to feel sick and panicky but stuck it out and a few minutes later was fine.
Have you explained to your partner exactly how you are feeling? Maybe she needs to be educated a bit about anxiety and should read up on it a bit. I know my husband didn't really understand at first how i was feeling but i realised i hadn't actually sat him down and explained exactly what was going on so to him i had just changed into a different person overnight who he didn't understand.
Best of luck and stick with the meds, it could take a few more weeks for them to do their job properly.
Donna x

02-02-08, 18:44

I found that people who dont suffer with it do find it hard to understand, thats why somewhere like this can really help.

Keep your chin up hun, it will get easier and your more than welcome to rant to me anytime.


Trac xx

02-02-08, 18:58
thanks its like its her birthday monday she rang me earlier and when she knew i had got myself out of the house she had a mood because i hadnt gone to see her in the club where she works bearing in mind we live near swansea and wales and england were playing,so club was full,why not just say well done babe?i then took my 16 yr daughter to town to get my girlfriend a present for her birthday only to get a text saying dont bother getting me anything for my birthday as your not up to it lol very nice

02-02-08, 19:03
It does sound to me as if she doesnt understand how hard things are for you right now. My ex used to say to me, 'just pull yourself together and get on with it', yup very helpful if it was that easy then I would be have been doing it.

Is your daughter understanding ? I find my girls really understanding and when I achieve something no matter how small it may seem they give me loads of encouragement.

Trac xxx

02-02-08, 19:13
i think my daughter is more worried than anything,like i say the change in me in a couple of weeks is astonishing,i play football snooker for teams and i am a frequent user of the club but i cant face it at the mo,but i have explained to her that i am depressed at the mo but i will be ok soon,i hope that is the truth

02-02-08, 19:18

By staying positive and making sure you focus on you, things will improve for you, the meds will start to help you too. Meds for anxiety do tend to increase the anxiety feelings for a while before calming them down.

Trac xx

02-02-08, 19:23
thanks trac without finding this site i would of been all alone x

02-02-08, 19:24
thats ok hun, and your never alone here, remember that :hugs:

Trac xxx

02-02-08, 20:07
Hey Jason, I too have a partner who doesnt understand and alot of the time says things which add to my anxieties so you're not alone.

I dont think people realise how debilertating all this can be but for some reason they think we put it on or make it out to be worse than it is!

We all understand on here Jason so keep posting, it will help :)

Jo xxxxx

02-02-08, 20:46
thanks jo my partner is a attention seeker but as you know all my attention is focused on wats happening to me im still tryin to understand it,ive told her to stay away until she reads up and can get some idea from someone other than me,yea im lonely but at least im not getting worked up over trivial things speak soon jo bye x