View Full Version : sons swollen gland

25-01-08, 11:30
hiya im looking from help from you all out there - i ll start off by saying that i have always been paranoid about swollen glands in my 6yr old sons neck - he has had it for about three years it goes up and down with infections but always seems hard and is never smaller than a grape it starts below the angle of the jaw. my son is usually very active and well although a little pale sometimes (takes after his brother), i took him to several doctors when it emerged 3 years ago was told to leave it and after a lot of panic i did - until now - when ive started obssessing about it again - took him to the docs yesterday, which was a big thing for me to do as i was worried about what he might say- crazy i know- and doc has referred him to a paedeiatric specialist, he said he thought it unlikely to be biopsied and would put my minf at rest, it will take 6 weeks for him to be seen and i dont know how im gonna get through this period as my anxiety is now at top level and all the previous fears about lymphoma etc are returning - but wouldnt have something developed in that time frame? if it was something nasty - anybody had similar experiences
thx to u all

25-01-08, 13:24
hi its seems as thou yours sons had the swollen gland for a while my friends son also had gland up which kept coming up and going down ,hes 11 and hes had the same prob for few years now he went to the hospital and he didnt have a biopsy just the gland chrcked and everythin was ok its a permanent gland that dosnt realy go down quiet a common problem and seems to be noticed alot more wen kids get colds and stuff.hope ive settled your mind a little and at least hes going to have it checked like my friends son just to settle your mind /im sure your son will be ok tc elaine ,xxxxx id also like to say with myself been a health anxiety sufferer i was always checking on both my kids all the while its something we all do isnt it .

26-01-08, 21:28
Yes my 5 yr old son has a gland in his neck that goes up & down with infections, its esp raised during the summer because he gets very bad hayfever and often ends up with lots of colds so the gland gets very raised.

I took him to 2 GPs i 2006 about it and my GP said it was fine and that his daughter had the same thing, aparently its normal for us all to have a primary gland that does this so I left it be then another time I saw a GP for some hayfever medication for him and she saw the gland and asked if it had been checked so I told her what my GP had said but she wasn't happy and refered him to the childrens ward that very day for a blood test.

If your GP was concerned he would of refered him the same day for tests so I would not worry at all. My son was seen the same day and his bloods were all clear. The nurses who saw him said he did not look ill enough for it to be serious, they told me to not panic and they were right. My GP was also fab, I rung him in a flap and he rung the lab and got the results for me the same day because it was on a friday I think he knew I would panic all weekend.

I am sure your son is fine, it sounds exactly like how my son was, he still has it now but I do not worry about it at all.

28-01-08, 12:45
thanks elaine and cherry trying not to worry - im sure you know that some days are better than others - quick question for you tho cherry my sons gland does seem quite hard but only hurts him when he s got a bug - is your little uns gland hard or soft?