View Full Version : Anxiety worse when it gets dark

22-01-08, 23:14
My Anxiety symptoms always seem to start, or get worse, when it starts to get dark, which at the moment i think is about 4.45 pm ish, and i dont know why, i can be fine all day then wallop, out of the blue horrible symptoms! then i start to worry there is something wrong with me, then the panic sets in!
Can anyone explain, or does anybody else get this?

22-01-08, 23:19
I always used to feel worse in the dark:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

23-01-08, 12:15
It's just like when it's dusk and it starts to get dark, i start to feel weird! maybe i'm weird! :weep:

23-01-08, 12:39
I'm the same way. For me I think it's because I know places are closing and it'd be more hastle to get help if I asked for it, like this one evening when we got stuck in the elevator at 8pm and had to wait for help...

23-01-08, 13:48
For me it is the morning, I wake up in a state of panic and it is hard to get going. The feelings lessen in the afternoon and evening, sometimes I even go to bed thinking I am better then wham the next morning it is the same.!

23-01-08, 13:54
Im the same as you Allye, i always wake up in a state , then at night i think i might be getting better , till i get up again and its all back..

love Sandyjanexxx

23-01-08, 14:12
I'm the opposite I like the dark, always feel safer I've been going to take my dogs for a little walk as soon as darkness comes and been going a little farther, when I can, couldn't do that in the day light in case I have a wobble, and someone is gawping out the window and thinks I'm drunk or somat.

23-01-08, 14:23
Heya WDW fan,

I feel better at night when i have to go out and that because there are less people about etc,but at bedtime i have to leave a light or telly on cos i dont like total darkness,ur not weird hun,we all just have our own different fears.


23-01-08, 15:17
I Totally Sympathize, I get way worse when its getting dark and the further into the night i get, the worse i get. I don't know why, wish i did. It does help me alittle to get on here, i'm here most every night,,lol. So sorry your dealing with this, i wish i could help but i just wanted to know your not alone. If ya ever need to talk at night i'm here:hugs: