View Full Version : I Googled,,,,,,I Couldn't help myself, Now i'm So SAD

21-01-08, 22:19
Its so weird, its like a drug or something, i've been having pain and i tried not to google, i tried playing games, writting a letter, talking to friends, i even tried cleaning my house but the urge just kept comming back So i googled and now i fear i have Ovarian Cancer, I know i shouldn't have googled but i have most of the symptoms of Ovarian cancer (pelvic pain, back pain, groin pain) i don't have all the symptoms cuz one of them was bleeding and the other was bloating but i don't have 2 of the symptoms but i have the rest:weep:
Now i don't know what to do. My aunt died of Ovarian Cancer and she was very young but i don't know what kind of symptoms she had but i guess that doesn't matter cuz i now know what the symptoms are. She suffered for alittle over a year and died a very horrible painful death,,,So Sad:weep: When i googled i wasn't there very long so i didn't get a chance to see what the chances of living through it is,,,,Do You Know? Is it a pretty low chance of survival? I knew when i googled it was a bad idea which is why i didn't stay long but now i wish i would have at least looked at the survival rate but i made a deal with myself that i wouldn't google any more for the rest of the day and night at least.
I'm So Sad:weep:

21-01-08, 22:27
Hi Panicagain,

I bet if you outlined your symptoms to a Doctor,he could probably give you a list of possible injuries/illnesses longer than your arm.One of them could well be anxiety!
It is scary when you have a family member pass away with a particular illness and you think your symptoms are the same.
Why not make a pact with yourself-just for one day:-If you feel the urge to Google,try going into the Chat Room for some re-assurance instead.If it works repeat it.If it doesn't,come shout at me!
In two months,I have yet to see a positive thread about Googling-everyone who did it got scared! So you are not alone.
Best wishes,

22-01-08, 08:16
Nooooo you shouldn't have googled. I have some of those pains at the start and end of my period. But if you are worried and you mention to the doc you have a family history they may be able to do a bit more testing to reassure you.

My husbands Aunt has recently been treated for Overian cancer, it took 16 weeks and has been given the all clear at 60. It's like most things you catch it early and you have good survival, so if you have concerns rather just go to the doctor my motto is better safe than sorry!

Take care and don't Google!

22-01-08, 08:41
I agree with what 'Janieb' has said. Even if your symptoms are nothing serious it wouldn't do any harm seeing your Dr. Hopefully all that will happen from seeing your Doctor, is finding out you have a clean bill of health and also peace of mind.
Good luck and let us know how you go.

22-01-08, 08:46
I know we all tell each other not to google but we all do it don't we? I'm trying to resist visiting Dr Google because I've been referred for a breast lump but part of me thinkgs if I keep looking I'll find something good to read - doesn't work though :lac:

I get similar panics about my health and end up on a spiral of worry and convince myself I've got something horrible. A couple of months ago I was convinced that I had cancer of the lymph nodes :ohmy: I couldn't even tell you where it came from. The nodes around my groin area are quite prominent (because I'm slim apparently) but for that reason I googled and convinced myself I had something horrible. I got myself a doctor appointment and was told that what I can feel is perfectly normal.

You'll probably find a trip to your GP will just reassure you that everythings if fine. Good luck :flowers:

22-01-08, 12:03
I always remind myself Dr Google does not have any qualifications

22-01-08, 17:53
Googling is bad for the health, I have tried to stop myself doing it and doing pretty well.

Like has been mentioned before I get the 3 symptoms you mentioned around the time of my period, by all means go and get it checked out, but I am sure you will be fine.