View Full Version : Sore Chest

11-01-08, 22:27
Wow it has been really wierd, in the centre of my chest and kind of in my upper chest area...yep around my breasts :blush: I feel very achey. My period is not due for a couple of days (I am on the pill) but if I catch it funny or turn in a direct it is sore and just sitting here it feels like there is someone pushing on the top of my chest it feels like a heavy work out session without the weakness.

I can still breath ok but I have just finally finished a chest infection which seemed to go on forever. Only problem is I am thinking there is a blood clot in my lungs and it's freaking me out because of the pains. But it's so painful I want to cry it's more like achey pain. I have been trying to strech it out but so far no luck. Anybody experiance this? am I going mad? is this the beginning of a blood clot in my lungs or chest.... :wacko: :wacko: just driving myself nuts! I am worried I will go to bed and not wake up because it is something serious...could it be something serious or just my underwire bra giving me grief. Had it for most of today as well. Wish it would go away.

Hope someone can help put my mind at rest
Take care,

12-01-08, 04:42
If you had a blood clot in the lungs, you would be short of breath. Also, if the pain increases according to how you move, it sounds more like a muscle strain or cartilage damage, maybe from the coughing when you had the chest infection. Anxiety makes your chest tight too.
It will be the next day by the time you read this, so I hope you are feeling better now.

12-01-08, 17:16
With a blood clot the pain is pretty intense and your breathing is defintely affected. I would say its most likely something muscular. If it doesnt get better maybe get it looked at but I am sure its all ok!

12-01-08, 21:01
Thank you for your replies I do feel better today my chest is still abit sore but I think I know why now...my son was using me as a jungle gym this morning...I am sure he does this a lot without me thinking about it!