View Full Version : Coming Right at You!

11-01-08, 13:48
Hi all,

Just need to share - was at work today and a panic attack literally did just that and attacke me
My arm hurt - i was light headed and then this kind of hot wave got up my arms and down my chest - i thought this is it!!! I went to talk to a friend and she said was pale - it really scared the hell out of me - does anyone else get the hot wave feeling?

Hope you are all well

Hugs to you all

Paul xx

11-01-08, 14:24
Hi Paul,

Hope your attack has passed by now.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Sounds like the type of attacks which I have experienced.
Get some fresh air round you,have you eaten properly?,
can you take some time out to chill?
best wishes,

11-01-08, 14:36
It has passed - though i feel so tired and drained now

i took your advice and took some time out

Thank you so much :-0

11-01-08, 18:01
Hi Paul,

This is exactly what happens to me when I have a Panic Attack its like someone has poured hot liquid through my veins. I havent had one for quite a while now but it took me at least 3 or 4 days afterwards to feel normal again.

Take care Nikkixxx

12-01-08, 21:06
I also get that how wave...got it with my PA last week in class. It felt like I was on fire.

Thanks for sharing. I was worried it was something else but since it came with my PA and others have said the same it puts me a bit more at ease.