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02-01-08, 10:58
Hi All

I am new to this site, was looking for info on panic attacks and am grateful to have found this site.

Well yesterday I was sat watching Mary Poppins with my kids relaxing family time. When I started to get palpitations, then mad panic just drew in on me. I tried to blow into my paper bag, but the palpitations were getting worse, I was getting worse.
I told my partner and he was trying to calm me down, but I was manic by that point, I am angry because I scared the kids. Anyway I was convinced I had a heart problem as these palpitations would not go, so I got my partner to take me to the hospital - i know how stupid am I. Of course the Doctor confirmed it was anxiety and that my heart rhythem was OK.
I am still having palpitations now, I am anxious, my chest feels tight, I have butterflies in my tummy, I just don't know what to do.
4 years ago I suffered very badly with Panic attacks and I am so scared of getting worse again.
This is by far the worse type of attack I have had, it won't go. I don't know what to do.

Thanks for reading guys - look forward to getting to know you all


02-01-08, 11:02
Have you tried distracting yourself? I know its hard. How about going out for a walk with your family? Doing the same myself in a min as been feeling anxious for days.
Exercise is good for breaking the cycle.
Have you tried Kalms? A herbal supplement......
It will pass, it is not pleasant, but do not let it control you, you control it, tell yourself you do not have time at the moment to panic, say to yourself you iwill do it later, keep putting it off.
Good luck hun and try not worry.

02-01-08, 11:02
Hi Emmie and welcome :)
You will find all the support and advice you need here.


02-01-08, 12:05

I have not tried taking Kalms or anything, I did not before, I often found that to be alone was the best medicine, to take time out. I am at work today so am trying to work through this and keep busy.

I get into a viscious cycle of worrying as the palpitations have been going on for so long now then I panic that its something wrong.
I am trying to think rationally and chill myself out basically. Its nice to come on this website and read about similar experiences. Sometimes I feel like I am going out of my mind when I have an attack


02-01-08, 13:59
Can I just ask - I am still getting palpitations intermittently. Have any of you experienced this. This has been going on for nearly a day now

Thanks Guys

02-01-08, 21:38
Emmie, I get palpitations occasionally, especially when lying down but I just rest until they pass and then I forget them. Are you back at work after your Xmas holiday? If you're like me you've drunk masses of extra tea/coffe, eaten loads of choc and had alcohol - all these things can contribute to funny heartbeats. Step back and look at the stress you may have had over the last month and see if you can see some contributing factors, perhaps make a list for your own records and maybe decide how you can best relax . Take it easy and take care. Sagey.

02-01-08, 21:42
Hi Emmie,
my heart has been racing on and off for a few weeks now after a major panic attack. I worry its my heart/lungs like everyone else.
I have found though that the best way to get the rythm back to normal is to do some exercise on my stepper for a few minutes and it seems to re regulate itself. So it cant be anything more than anxiety can it?
Hope you feel better soon
Donna x:hugs:

02-01-08, 21:43
Hi Emmie,

Welcome to the site. Hope that you make loads of friends and get great advice.

Have you read on the left side of forum :Palpitations. If not have a read there.

I don't get them like I use too, but I still get them,it's ok, they won't hurt you. If you are dwelling on them thats why you are noticing them. Try to get your mind off them.

Take Care

Granny Primark
02-01-08, 22:40
Beta blockers help with my palpitations.
Also I swear by bachs rescue remedy.
When Im out and I get palpitations and feel panicky I use my mobile phone as a distraction and use my rescue spray to help.

Take care

02-01-08, 23:28

We have a whole forum dedicated to this so have a browse through there for some help and useful posts.

It will help to read about others.

03-01-08, 07:47

Palpitataions are one of the most frightening symptoms of panic (I find anyway). Rest assured most of us on here suffer from them to some extent. There was a poll on here a few months ago. Can't remember the exact results, but I think the gist of it was that about 90% of us on here get palpitions occasionally, whilst for about 60% it is a daily occurance. This is purely down to anxiety. If you had a heart problem, your doctor would have spotted it.

I agree that betablockers definately help, and I take them when I need them.

I seem to be suffering more than usual this week. I think it is because of the stress of returnign to work, and not getting much sleep.

03-01-08, 08:06
Thanks guys :)

I am so tired i am not sleeping much at all. I have had lots of stress over the past month so I guess that does not help matters.
Its probably the worse panic attack I have ever suffered from, and the palpitations scared me. It really helps to talk to others.
Tonight my partner is away from home, I have to sleep (if I can) with the light on. I can't do the dark on my own.

I am the same in cinemas, I dread going and last time I went I had a panic attack and had to get out.

I have not been to my Doctor for a while with anxiety, not sure if I should go and see her or not.

Emmie x