View Full Version : Feel Terrible

01-01-08, 13:03
Well guys woke up at 3 am this morning heart racing and again feeling like it was going to be it for me, now sat here feeling anxious as hell and wondering why its happening to me, i had a couple of beers last night and also some chocolate and i think its just put me into a state of anxiety. but the panic attack i haed this morning was worse one i have had in 2 years since my first ever one. Now i cant shake off the thoughts in my mind again that i have something wrong with my heart, i know im stupid thinking this but i cant stop feeling helpless, not a good way to start a new year.

thanks for listening guys i hope you all had a better start than i have.

Flinty x

01-01-08, 13:12
Flinty, it's a stressful time of year and I think a lot of people who haven't felt anxious or panicky for a while are suffering at the moment! But they are just blips and you will feel much better soon i'm sure :hugs:

Beer and chocolate always seem like such a good idea at the time but unfortunately make us feel rubbish :weep:

Be kind to yourself today, take it easy and no sneaking off to the fridge for that dairymilk and stella :D

Lolly X X

Thanks lolly i feel terrible, i wont be eating anymore chocolate or beer for a while dont worry , but it still wont stop my mind racing now , thank you for your words
flinty x

01-01-08, 13:13
Flinty chap

Happy new year mate.

Listen, you have had an anxiety attack bud, now don't start thinking that it's all going to be bad like this one and never go away, it will go away.

It might just be the beers and all this apprehension about 2008, I know I used to get worked up in the build up to new years day.

Just try and remember mate, while you sit there "wondering" why it's happening? dwelling on it, it will be all over you like a cheap suit.

Try and accept you just had a rough attack and find something to occupy yourself (easier said than done I know but with practice it can be a very effective coping mechanism).

Hope you feel better as the day goes on chap.



01-01-08, 13:18
Hi Flinty

Sorry to hear you fell like c$%p. Me too. I woke up after a bad dream feeling the rushing feeling on the back of the hands, tightness around my forehead, sore tongue end...etc.. I too had a couple of beers which I have to say causes me to sleep badly and because I know alcahol is not good for you my mind snowballs the lousy morning after feeling. I know it will be the beer that will have triggered this one. Don't worry tonights sleep will be a lot better. I feel anxious like crazy at the moment...your not by yourself...just ride the symptoms and occupy yourself. I have done all last nights washing and cleaned the kitchen to which my wife asked if I was feeling ok. LOL. I find that when I feel like this getting busy really helps. Give it a try. why not go for a fast walk, dispell the theory that you are about to have a heart attack. This works for me.


01-01-08, 13:46
Hi Flinty,

Sorry to hear that you feel bad. But I do so agree with Jaco, don't dwell on this attack. That will only lead to others.

I am not sure about the beers or the chocolate, but I do know that if I eat too much chocolate I will get anxious.

An also Flinty maybe it's not the start to the New Year 2008, bu the end to 2007. Try to stay positive.

Hope you feel better soon.
Take Care

Rachey poos
01-01-08, 14:08
I ued to drink at least 3 bottles of wine a wk until i woke up one night heart doin about 200 bpm...and fluts ....since then i dont drink now..... odd times i will try the odd glass and i think ..oh i will be ok but i always wake up with the biggist startle and have to hang out the bathroom window wiv heart poundin... then it all calms down. the fear of another is always worse than the actul event i think, thats why we are in this state. dont worry just stay clear of alcohol for a while.....its no good for us wiv sensitive tickers. xx

01-01-08, 18:34

mate, im sorry to hear that your having a bad time.....
.....but remember that this is a stressfull time of year and the panic could be a result of the past week......

just remember flinty, dont dwell on it, let it pass and try not to question it too much......

i wanna hear that you are feeling better tomorrow or im gonna come round and kick your butt, cause your a great guy......

thinking of you flinty

dawny xxxxxxx

01-01-08, 18:36
thanks for all your replies, i have still felt a little anxoius today but i feel a lot better than i did this morning. I am staying away from the beer for a few days and i hardly ever eat chocolate anyway but im not gonna have anymore of that lol.
You lot are such a bunch of good people it makes me smile inside to think that you are all there for me , i will try to keep it out my thoughts and let you know how i feel tomorrow.

Love to all

Flinty X

01-01-08, 18:54
Glad to hear you feel abit better now Flint.:hugs:

Yes the beer and choc don't help (I've been doing the same with Baileys and choc) but at the end of the day hun you just have to tell yourself you've been here before, and as damn unpleasant as it is what you dealt with once you can deal with again.:yesyes:

Course you do realise that the beauty of panic is that we all think "no this time its different and oh my goodness what is going to happen to me - I must be really ill this time for this to be happening". That is how it keeps going you see - we feed it, again and again and again.

I've had quite a few near panics and panics in the lead up to Xmas and over it and god knows my breathing is all over the place but when I really examine it it's all text book stuff, hyperventilating, palpitations, impending doom, hot and clammy, dizzy, dark roots that need colouring (oh well perhaps not the last one)!!!

It stinks but if we can try not to give it anymore importance than a bad tummy ache, or a bout of antisocial wind (like you get after sprouts - not me mind) then it passes on a bit quicker and we can get about the importance of the day like spending vouchers that we win in raffles!! :winks:

Love Piglet :flowers:

01-01-08, 22:31
hi flinty m8 hope you feel better soon this time of the year is stressful for us all and eating choc and drinking makes us all feel more anxious ,lets all hope this year will be better for us all and healthy one 2 tc m8ty elaine xxx

02-01-08, 13:07

Hope Your Feeling Better Today Mate Xxxxxx

Love And Big Hugs

Dawny X

02-01-08, 14:44
Hi Folks,
Well i had a lot better nights sleep last night , still feel a little edgy today but not as bad as yesterday, i feel a little bit bunged p to be honest so perhaps thats why chest still feels a bit tense. Thanks for all your support through this, its amazing how quickly a panic attack can undo so much of the hard work you have put in after months f feeling relatively ok, anyway im off for a bath so will keep you posted on my progress .

Flinty xx

02-01-08, 23:34
Glad you're feeling better flinty, all the advice above is spot on, although no doubt you sometimes it's easier said than done ! I don't have to worry about resisting chocolate (I'm type 1 diabetic), but having a beer as come back and bit me on the ass, so I know how you're feeling mate. Do as the good people above have suggested and I bet you're back when you want to be real soon. Good luck and although it may not have been the best start to the new year for you, just remember you've got the rest of it to make it better !