View Full Version : is it psychological?

29-12-07, 23:25
Hi all,

I really need some advice as i think everyones patience with constant need for re-assurance has run out. Especially my poor gps even though i do try to give them turns at having to see me!

Joking apart i really do feel like i can't keep going to my
doctors with one ailment after another and more often than not i'll come out with the euphoria i experience of visiting the doc and they've said its ok but as i walk towards my car the gloom of 'oh i missed that bit out and i didn't tell them that' descends which sends me into panic and i'll find the old ailment that the doc knew about will be replaced by the thing i forgot to mention!!!!

But can i just say here that the pains or uncomfortable feelings are so real. Pain is pain - right? Well i dont know - its like i could probably transfer it round!

I had really horrible worries about my head - it was shaking and my vision was funny and i had little fire works going off in my head - ofcourse i thought the worst and saw a neurologist who said i was exhausted and tired out.( i was up 12x a night feeding my 2nd baby)

Then i've had heart fluttering and whirring of the heart.

My problem now is that i got a pain in my right lower abdo off and on most of the year coupled with a horrible aggravating feeling more than a pain and saw so many docs who said it could be ovulation pain/endometriosis or ibs.

I had a scan on the ovaries which was fine and then saw a gyneocologist and was offered a laparoscopy but you see i have a fear of being put out. All my friends say its a simple proceedure etc but i worry.

He said unless it was bothering me there's no need for it and at the time the pain had vanished so i agreed to see how things went.

The pain vanished straight after the scan? How could that be possible - as i was lying there i was pointing to the exact point of pain saying thats where it is - she found nothing and the pain went then and there! (even though i thought i'd felt it contorting and bursting) is that my imagination? I have a big imagination. I can pass out if someones describes something squeamish!

Anyway nothing happened until xmas eve when the twinging pain started again but this time all over like up under my ribs, down the left - right so although i saw my doc recently i only told her it was on the normal site - cos it was at that point!

Now i seem to get things on a build up - the summer was my wedding and i had more stress at the same times as having this inc xmas!!!

Is it possible that although it is real that anxiety can really cause these pains etc?

I'm now in a situation where i need to find other ways of coping instead of googling symptoms and spiralling into panic with the results!

Thank you if you have read this - long and boring for anyone else but if no one has read this i must say its been very carthartic for me so thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:shrug:

30-12-07, 00:34
Hi Pink :)

Anxiety can most definitely cause the sensation of feeling pains, I think a lot of people on here will agree...

The mind can be very cruel at times and send signals to nerves when its just not necessary, a lot of these are because we get so worked up about something...

Just like some people can displace pain, in other words almost imagine the pain isn't actually there and gain some relief, we can also imagine that we have a pain and genuinely feel it :(

Googling is the most dangerous thing an anxious person can do in my opinion, mind thats just my opinion lol

Its good that you have thought about doing something to take your mind off googling and your anxiety :)

Have you thought of something in particular or are you in need of ideas?
