View Full Version : How can u tel the difference between a thought and a belief?

28-12-07, 00:30
i was just wondering how do you tel the difference between a worrying thought and an actual beleif???

becoz alot of my worrys come from 'what if' im beliveing what im worrying about.

If anyone knows the difference and how you can tell would really like to know.

love lawzy

28-12-07, 09:42
Hi, I think that a thought is something that we wouldn't act apon but that makes us worry about it.Don't let the thoughts get to you ( wish I could take my own advice am currently worried that my grandchildren didn't like their xmas presents although I have no proof of that). Not sure I have been any help but take care.:flowers:

Pink Princess
28-12-07, 09:47
hey lawzy xx

to me a thought is one of many that run through your mind yeah? what if this what if that? where as a belief is something that you accept and make true and choose to follow or not? make any sense? so in a way i do think belies are thoughts only just the ones you accept to be true xxx

hope this helps xxxxxxxxxx

28-12-07, 10:33
Never trust any worries you have when you're feeling anxious. The adrenaline is tricking your mind. Tell yourself those worries are irrational and refuse to go along with them.

Works for me!

28-12-07, 17:33
hi there
iv had many instrusive thoughts, and like urself i started believing the wat ifs etc. it continued to bring me down. but the help of my counsellor, she helped me to put things into perspective and it made me realise that simple activities make me happy, just seeing a smile on mums face, is worth the effort of looking after her. now i BELIEVE that i can do it, rather than thinking the worst of everything. do something that u'll feel 'happy' about, once uv done that u'll be able to realise that uv acheived something positive

28-12-07, 18:30
I can't advise as I struggle with this really big style. I just wanted you to know you are not alone though.

28-12-07, 19:54
another one who struggles with this, the what if's are the worst and they often start out what if's and i manage to turn them into what's probably going to happen.