View Full Version : i need your help

20-12-07, 19:51
i am so so sorry to bother you all but the other day i posted a thread about my friends experience

she is convinced she has something badley wrong with her heart because the other day she ended up in hospital with a really really fast heart rate of 170 beats. on top of this it was so so badley irregular and going all funny. her site name is molly17 but her computer has broke.

she has suffered with this for 15 years but this is the first time it was all a combination of funny beats and fast and irregular and has left her feeling so so afraid. has anyone experienced anything this bad and if so could you please email a message to reassure her cus she really feels at the end of it now



20-12-07, 20:30
i forgot to mention that what freaked her out was that her heart seemed to stall alot. it started off as a strange feeling in her chest and then it seemed to stall followed by fast and irregular

oh i am so sorry to hound you all but if anyone has been through anything like this please reply



20-12-07, 22:37
Hi Jackie.

I personally haven't experienced this, but anyway, I'll try to help.

You say she felt like it was beating irregularly? Was it? What did the ECG show? Was it really beating at 170 bpm?

Do you think this is anxiety related? Or do you think it is a cardiac problem?

I would imagine it is an anxiety problem, but it is always worth getting checked out if unsure. Will she be having any follow up?

I'm loathe to post these, but I am going to anyway.....



Those are the only two things which sprung to my mind, other than anxiety. BUT I am NOT suggesting she has either SVT or AF...simply that these could be possible causes of a very rapid pulse. I am sooo not a heart expert!

I think she really needs to talk this over with a Doctor. I'm assuming she's had ECG's, 24 hour tapes etc?

When I was younger I went through a phase of having a weird, irregular heart beat. It freaked the heck out of me, and I had all the investigations etc. They said there were a few places where my heart went too fast, but nothing to worry about. I find, like most anxiety symptoms, the more I think about it, the more pronounced it becomes. Nowadays, my pulse often sits at about 45. I just try to ignore it. I can consciously speed up and slow my heart rate down a bit too!

So, in summary - probably anxiety, but get checked out/reviewed by a doctor....and try not to worry about it too much!

xxx :flowers: