View Full Version : racing heart

13-12-07, 10:52
Hiya everyone.

im feeling ok today anxiety wise but feel totally wiped out due to bad cold. So, as feeling bit wiped out thought id check my pulse and it was 96/100 resting, its usually 80.

Naturally this has now got me checking every 10 minutes and obsessing about how fast it is. Please send me some good luck vibes so i can stop this obsession with pulse rate and compulsion to check.

Anyway, just thought id air that and see how you all are today???

Love Cassi xxxxx

13-12-07, 12:40
gosh u sound jus like me i do that all he time and then worry if it beating fast! x

13-12-07, 13:36
And me.

13-12-07, 14:38
If you keep worrying about your heart rate it will increase because of the adrenaline.

Just take it easy, get somebody to make you a hot chocolate or decaf tea/coffee with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and watch some telly, I like watching a DVD or a documentory on Ancient Egypt.

Get well soon!

13-12-07, 17:19

hope this helps when we have an infection such as a cold our bodies speed up to try and cope with the infection so its normal that the pulse rate increases too


13-12-07, 18:48

Please try not to worry,,,if only huh?,but genuinely that sounds completely normal,your body will be fighting the cold and will resume as normal once the horrible bug has gone

H x