View Full Version : upper abdo pain

10-12-07, 21:04
Ok wise ones, i need your advice please. My old health anxiety is back again to bite me on the bum.

I have had this problem before, been to the docs, had blood tests and a general MOT and everything was fine BUT every now and again i get the same thing and for the past 24 hours i have been in agony.

It's severe upper abdominal pain, like a really tight pain right in the gut just below my chest, it can move to the back and other places in the chest. I have been taking Zantac but it keeps coming back. My health worries are that it's an ulcer thats just about to burst and kill me or liver disease like my dad died of a few months ago.

Does anyone know if anxiety can cause this? dont tell me to go to the docs lol cos i dont want a camera put down my throat!!

Love Lisa

10-12-07, 21:42
Ok Lisa,

Won't tell you to go cos I hate going myself so there u go.

It might be caused by anxiety - who knows and I find with health anx, if I feel a slight pain, It feels like it is getting worse but I think that is my health anx/mind making me believe I have more symptoms than I do (if that makes sense)

I hope you are feeling better soon hun


Claire xxxx

10-12-07, 21:45
Just read that back - not much help to you

Hope you are better soon anyway xxxx

10-12-07, 22:07
Aww Claire hun!! your a star!! thing is pain don't usually bother me but this is pure agony. Thanks for your reply coz you made me smile!!!


10-12-07, 22:12
Could it be indigestion type thing.

That is so so painful and makes me double over in agony.

It is like acid reflux type thing.

Alka seltzer soothes mine and so does milk

Does anything make yours better?

celia davies
10-12-07, 22:31
I always get a tingling pain in my back when im anx an then when i start to think about it it seems to get worse,what happened with your dad seems like your thinking about it an its playing on your mind,if there was something wrong with your liver the docs would of picked it up in your bloods so dont worry about that.hope you feel better soon
celia xx

10-12-07, 23:10
Hope your pain goes soon Lisa, it might be trapped wind so try and have a good burp.
love Mags xxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

10-12-07, 23:34
Thankyou all for your replys,

Nic it feels like a combination of acid reflux, severe indigestion and trapped wind, all in one so to speak. Pain dont bother me much, like a sore tooth or head coz i know what it is but this is pure agony, had me on my feet from 1am till 6.45am coz every time i lay down it crippled me. Anyhow at the moment and i will say this very quietly, it's giving me a bit of peace, so i am going to take advantage and have an early night.

Thanks every so much to you all for taking the time to reply, it's very much appreciated.

Take care and lots of love


10-12-07, 23:46
Blondy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hate to say this mate but sounds to me like good old trapped wind!!!!

Drink something fizzy....and I dont mean Tennants:D

Water soda water whatever!!!!

Belch and fart!!!

Jobs a good un!!!!

Luv Kaz x x x :hugs:

11-12-07, 08:15
Hiya hun

I get pain like that and its generally trapped wind caused by stress related IBS. First time it happened I thought I must be having a heart attack lol

I echo the others - have a good fart and it'll all be alright :)

I tend to keep myself warm with a hot water bottle and a duvet etc and the muscles seem to relax then and the pain goes away.

Hope ur feeling ok by now anyway

G x

11-12-07, 08:43
Lisa :hugs: I get a lot of pain all over me tummy and I always blame it on me IBS :) Indigestion can give us lots of pain too. Oh and btw I always knew that you were full of wind anyway :wacko: hope yer feeling better today :hugs: xxx

11-12-07, 15:07

Swanny thanks hun! and thanks again for your all your replies.


13-12-07, 13:25
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly hun. How often do you get this pain? Sorry for minging question but have you had any change in stools? Only reason Im asking is Ive had almost identical to what you describe and Im waiting for abdo scan as doc thinks could be gallstones. This can give you pain that radiates to back etc.

Ive been told not to drink any alcohol and have very low fat diet i.e -5g per 100g. Im also taking 300mg Zantac. Mine still could be anxiety though just waiting for results etc.


13-12-07, 15:21
Lisa I too have a pain like this mine is more severe in my back but it can reach to the chest area, sometimes it feels like I'm being crushed sometimes just an ache. Can't work out if it is indegestion or adrenalin that is causing mine but you name it I've diagnosed it but then I think it can't be that major coz I've had it on and off for years.

Hope you feel better soon.


13-12-07, 17:18
Latic and Carol,

Latic, stools are fine lol!! but i'm really interested in the results of you scan so please let me know xx

Claire, mine seems to last for like two days at a time and tham i'm completely normal again for a good while. it seems to come in bouts rather that a daily kinda thing.

thanks again guys xxxxxxxx