View Full Version : feeling unreal / thoughts and songs in my head

04-12-07, 14:13
hi all

is there anybody out there who has this i am getting to the end of my rope with it all. feeling unreal has been with me for weeks now due to acute anxiety even my own home doesnt feel like mine my family all feel unreal aswell even though i know they are not. as for the thoughts they hit me in the stomache it makes me feel ill. the constant songs in my head are driving me crazy

please someone out there tell me this is anxiety and if possible how to overcome this.


04-12-07, 15:23
I know how you feel. I think it is difficult to think that it will get better when you are in the midst of an anxiuos bout. I have had this many times before and always come through it - even though this time I am not convinced. Apparently though I always say that.

I don't know if this is of much help but you are not alone. Are you on meds and is this your first experience of angst???

04-12-07, 15:29
Sammy - sorry I have just realised that I had already asked you this from a previous post. How is the medication change going and have you stopped the trazadone???

04-12-07, 15:52

down to 50mg trazadone for a week then off it completely . now on 15mg zispin on a night. honestly i feel like crying all the time i really think i will not recover from this i have never in my whole life felt this bad . i am afraid i will loose control altogether and end up not knowing who or where i am its that frightening.


04-12-07, 16:26
It is the anxiety talking - not reality of the situation. You will not lose control. You are just worried about how you are feeling - which is making you feel worse - am I correct with that?

I am also probably the worst I have been - even the thought of getting better is overwhelming as I can't imagine it. I don't know if I have the unreality thing - I just feel disconnected from life around me.

Are you on an Anti depressant as well as the zispin which I take is a sleeping tablet??

04-12-07, 17:26

yes i feel disconnected from everythig too thank god i,m not alone.
the zispin is an anti depressant only 5 days into taking it so no real improvement yet . i just get this awful feeling in my stomache then tell myself i am going mad or loose control my poor hubby doesnt know what to do to help.

04-12-07, 18:04
ive been like that for half a year now and every day for me is so bad. its horrible and terrifying i keep on thinking im going schizophrenic and imaging what it would be like whcih makes things worse. My advice to you is too concentrate yourself on something extremley difficult and communicate with people. im not taking any medication because ive herd it doesnt help with depersonalisation but if you do carry on and tell me if it works please!

04-12-07, 18:07
Have you got any help or support?

I just keep thinking I am never going to get better and this fills me with dread etc. I cannot seem to stop thinking about how i am feeling. I do not get panic attacks per se more like constant feelings of anxiety and agitation with waves of dread thrown in for good measure. Do you have any of this??

04-12-07, 18:08
Hi Sammie, i am also at the end of my tether with this. I cry all the time too and put my husband in awful predicaments knowing that he can't help me. I feel spaced out all of the time and nothing feels real to me. When my son yatters on it just goes over my head. The thoughts drive me mad aswell because i can't get away from this feeling. take care sheree

04-12-07, 18:37

yes i feel exactly the same as you u0000998 its relentles all day everyday

04-12-07, 19:47

sorry u0000998 is awful is'nt it - as you may realise my name is joanne. Have you done any Xmas shopping yet?? I do not feel christmasy in the slightest and I normally love this time of year.

Are you still getting help with the crisis team??


05-12-07, 09:15
hi joanne
the crisis team come and see me every 2 days i really feel i will end up in pysc unit somewhere i am struggling every day with this i am so scared because i am not the person i used to be at all . xmas not even thought of that to be honest


05-12-07, 09:42
Oh sweet heart - I feel for you and me! At least you have got people supporting you every 2 days - I have had to go private to see a clin pysch and that does not happen until friday. I am waking up really early again - 4.30 which freeks me out. I think the thing I am frightened of is me.

Are you sleeping? Wish I lived near you and we could go for a walk together and have a chat. Keep talking - I am obsessed with this bloody site at the moment.


05-12-07, 10:00
sammie and jo

i thought i would give you both some hope,

last christmas day (of all days) i had the biggest panic attack ever...

...that was the start of not going out, having extreme anxiety, and the feeling of not being in control... i too felt like when anyone talked to me i couldnt take it in, it was as if they were talking down a funnel, i would suddenly panic and think i have i done this or that

i went for a walk with my hubbie, dogs and kids and my head seemed to hang like it was too heavy for my neck, i couldn't tell you were i had been, i was so depressed.....i didnt want to live or die.

one year on.....
im back in the real world, it wasnt easy every day i have struggled to get here, and to be totally honest i dont know how i got through that period in my life.....but what i am going to tell you is that i came through it and feel stronger.....ive changed my diet, quit alcohol, relax and try to meditate, deep breath and keep a diary all this has helped with my road to recovery.

so please girls see that this wont last forever, have hope.
im living proof, that you can get through this and actually yes actually enjoy living again

i wish you both the best in life
take care

dawny x

05-12-07, 15:45
Hi Sammie,
i for ages convinced myself there was something physically wrong with me. Now that i have faced up to the fact that i suffer from severe anxiety i am scared stiffless and think i also am going to end up in a hospital, because i feel so so bad. now it is this thought that is making my anxiety and depersonalisation worse. I got myself that worked up for my physchiatrist appointment thatby the time i got there i was a wreck and my eyes were blurry and couldn't take anything in. I just wish my appointments were in the morning rather than late afternoon as i get myself so worked up. take care sheree

16-04-08, 22:30
Hi Im new to this and I recently had my first experience with anxiety abut a month and a half ago!! It was horrible I didnt feel like myself, I didnt feel like Iloved my boyfriend anymore I cried and cried everyday and was forced to miss 2 weeks of college as a result! Im taking 30mg zispin at the mo because I was on the 15mg andfelt like the onng they were doing for me was putting me to sleep! I regularily go to a counsellor and have kept up a respondance with my gp all of which has helped me alot!! The advice I would give to anyone who feels like they're never going to be themselves again is keep your mind occupied on the important things like college or school! Its hard to think positively believe me I know but whenever a negative thought comes to mind get up and occupy yourself with something that requires all of your attention!! Dont let your mind win!! I cant say im fully recovered now because too little a time has passe from when I first experienced depression and anxiety. I still feel detached from my boyfriend and I seem stuck (I know that might sound wierd but im stuck in contempt I cant access fully my feelings for my boyfriend anymore its as if there is a wall between me and them but I know they are there and Im going to keep trying to break that wall down!!! I cant really tell you wat the strong effects of zispin are because the only ones I seemed to have experienced is the sedation effects but anywho I hop im not the only out there whos relationship has been effected by this glitch and if Im not has anyone any advice for me?? For now Im soldiering on with it because my boyfriend is an amazing man, the most supportive person ive ever met and he means everything to me!!!

21-04-08, 21:35
Hi, when I was going through a really bad patch I felt much the same, I felt so disorientated and strange that I could barely walk in a straght line. But I promise you it doesn't always feel so bad, you just need to seek help because it's an uphill struggle and difficult to manage on your own.