View Full Version : My wife has cellulitis

02-09-24, 23:49
This week has been a struggle and I need to put some words down.

I don't Google health questions anymore, so I was wondering if anyone has experience of cellulitis?

My wife took ill last week and it turns out it's cellulitis.

She was feverish on the in the early hours Sunday morning and we assumed she had a virus. This continued for 3 days.

She wears compression socks (for very mild lymphadema) and after we took them off, her foot was reddening, swollen and painful - It was slightly puffy before we put the sock on. In hindsight, maybe she was bitten.

We rang 111 and went to an urgent care clinic. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and sent us home. My wife couldn't keep anything down, including the meds.

The next day, she was worse and couldn't put any pressure on her swollen foot. I took her to a & e and it was confirmed as an infection.

They get her on IV antibiotics and they begin to work after about 24-48 hours. The swelling is slowly going down thanks to elevation and the antibiotics. Day by day, it's gotten better but is still big and there's some garish blistering which apparently is a positive signed of healing. Today was the 5th full day of IV antibiotics.

I am really worried that putting on her compression sock has done some lasting damage. I should have noticed something was wrong before doing it.

The doctors have looked at her foot today and are happy with the progress and hope to discharge her as an outpatient on Wednesday/Thursday.

I guess this is a good sign?

Anyone know how long the swelling can last? Will her foot heal?

Inflammation is a natural response to injury and infection isn't it?

Ridiculously long post, apologies. Thanks if you read it.

03-09-24, 08:38
I wish I could answer your question, but I don't know.

Just sending good wishes and letting you know someone's listening.

03-09-24, 15:12
One of my friends got cellulitis a couple of years ago from an insect bite! It was gnarly and she was off work for a good couple of weeks. But she took her meds and made a complete recovery, I don't know if there's even any marks there anymore.

I can't speak on your wife's version of cellulitis, you'd need to ask a professional what the after effects of it can be. But just in my personal experience the person I knew that had it is totally fine!

I hope she is doing ok and I hope your anxiety improves 😊

04-09-24, 18:33
One of my friends got cellulitis a couple of years ago from an insect bite! It was gnarly and she was off work for a good couple of weeks. But she took her meds and made a complete recovery, I don't know if there's even any marks there anymore.

I can't speak on your wife's version of cellulitis, you'd need to ask a professional what the after effects of it can be. But just in my personal experience the person I knew that had it is totally fine!

I hope she is doing ok and I hope your anxiety improves 😊

Thank you for sharing.

My wife's infection has drastically reduced over the week and she is expected to be discharged on Friday. This is, of course, good news.

As I'm in the midst of worry and anxiety, I now move onto... when will the swelling go down... when will the discolouration fade... how long will it take for any damaged soft tissue to heal...

19-09-24, 09:32
I had cellulitis, my swelling lasted about a week and half, I was on strong antibiotics, make sure that when she is in the clear have her get lotion and lotion her leg every day, for life, I had horrible skin peel and flakiness, I have to keep my leg lotioned as it gets so dry now and you can get cracks in your skin from dryness and can get cellulitis again.