View Full Version : Pain/tension in head for a few seconds

21-08-24, 09:54
I am so sorry however I am not googling anything and I am really working on my anxiety. I just want to know if anyone gets a tension/slight pain in a localised part of their head lasting a few seconds sometimes. It then goes completely and is not severe like an ice pick headache. Does that mean it is more likely to be related to nerves/muscle and not serious?

21-08-24, 14:20
I get this quite often. I definitely think it’s muscular and related to my neck. It can even be tension from anxiety causing it. But yes please continue to not google. That’s seriously the worst, I wish I had that self control!! Haha

21-08-24, 19:08
Thank you

Our brains are mad at times! Does anyone else think of something then worry about it happening. I had a slight headache pain when stood up from sitting...googled the other day then ever since then I keep thinking I'm going to have head pain when standing (symptom of some awful stuff). I hate it.

22-08-24, 12:24
I'm having this weird thing where when I swallow sometimes or if I pretend to swallow...I get like a nerve pain now in certain areas. Does that sound harmless

22-08-24, 14:24
This pain on the right side is always there now....feels like nerve type pain could I have irritated it by always doing the swallow thing and touching it a few times.