View Full Version : High liver readings

15-08-24, 07:27
Hi everyone, back in April I had blood checks to test my thyroid and everything was fine but my liver readings were elevated. I had another test a few days ago and they are still high so I’ve been booked in to see my GP. I’m absolutely rocked by this and hardly slept. I don’t drink any alcohol, I’m not overweight and otherwise feel fine so what could it be?! The usual suspects are in my mind and I’m a mess at the moment.

15-08-24, 19:18
Do you take any medication? Supplements?

Do you know what values were high with regards to your liver test?

15-08-24, 21:03
Do you take any medication? Supplements?

Do you know what values were high with regards to your liver test?

No medication. Supplements just multvitamin, magnesium and Vitamin D. I take ashwaghanda here and there though.

In April my Alt and Alp were high. Since then the Alt has reduced a bit and the Alp has increased a bit. Ggt has also come back as elevated and Ast is normal. Bilrubin also normal.

16-08-24, 09:24
Alkaline Phosphatase isn’t unique to liver, it’s also from the bones. Most commonly during periods of growth. What age are you?

ALT being higher than AST (which in your case is normal) is a sign of plain old fatty liver. The GGT being high would back this up and indicate that the ALP is also liver related. More than likely this is nothing except fatty liver (diet, genetics, lifestyle)

Do you have the values associated with each marker?

16-08-24, 13:17
Alkaline Phosphatase isn’t unique to liver, it’s also from the bones. Most commonly during periods of growth. What age are you?

ALT being higher than AST (which in your case is normal) is a sign of plain old fatty liver. The GGT being high would back this up and indicate that the ALP is also liver related. More than likely this is nothing except fatty liver (diet, genetics, lifestyle)

Do you have the values associated with each marker?

I’m really hoping it’s nothing serious. I do eat a lot of junk and sugary stuff but I’m not fat i’m quite slim to be honest. I’m 31, male.

So my readings are:
AST - 25 [upper limit 34]
ALT - 81 [55]
ALP - 154 [130]
Bilirubin - 13 [21]
Gamma GT - 130 [64]

18-08-24, 07:50
They’re really mildly elevated. ALT being higher than AST is very common in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease. That’s when the fat in the liver is caused by something diet related rather than alcohol
I’m sure all that your GP will do is refer you to get an Ultrasound, which will then confirm the fatty liver, and you’ll have to make lifestyle dietary modifications

by the way, the ashwaghanda can irritate the liver. So I’d lay off it for a while

20-08-24, 14:00
They’re really mildly elevated. ALT being higher than AST is very common in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease. That’s when the fat in the liver is caused by something diet related rather than alcohol
I’m sure all that your GP will do is refer you to get an Ultrasound, which will then confirm the fatty liver, and you’ll have to make lifestyle dietary modifications

by the way, the ashwaghanda can irritate the liver. So I’d lay off it for a while

Thanks I really appreciate you taking time to write that. I have been referred for a scan just trying to keep calm. I can’t get my head around how it could be fatty liver when I am not overweight and exercise often (I play football).

23-08-24, 09:51
Keep us updated. It wouldn’t surprise me if nothing is seen on the scan and this is just a transient rise from an infection etc. I know it’s easy for me to say but I really wouldn’t lose sleep over this

04-09-24, 12:04
Well it’s not looking good at the moment. I had my ultrasound everything seemed fine apart from a 2-3cm mass discovered on my liver. The report said a referral to liver specialist is advised. Been in panic mode since and spoke to my doctor today who said it could be just an incidental finding and not the cause of the raised enzymes and as the mass was ‘avascular’ it’s a good sign. Reading around it seems like these lesions are quite common and almost always benign but I think I will have to go in for an mri to confirm. Can’t believe this is happening to be honest I’m in such a bad state right now.

04-09-24, 23:37
It will be a benign liver cyst. Extremely common and, as your doctor has already said, likely an incidental finding.

This is the problem with modern medical imaging - it’s really good at finding things which are likely benign, but need lots of follow up testing to prove they’re benign!

Its easy for me to say, I know, but don’t panic.

05-09-24, 13:30
It will be a benign liver cyst. Extremely common and, as your doctor has already said, likely an incidental finding.

This is the problem with modern medical imaging - it’s really good at finding things which are likely benign, but need lots of follow up testing to prove they’re benign!

Its easy for me to say, I know, but don’t panic.

Thanks I’ve honestly been in in a terrible state mentally since the scan results came back. Woke up with vertigo this morning shows how worked up my body is at the moment.

I’m thinking that when I had my bloodwork done originally in April and then again last month, surely my overall health would have declined a lot in between if it was something sinister??

05-09-24, 15:59
It’s not just your blood work that would go. People with liver cancer (whether it started in the liver or spread to the liver) are very ill indeed. You’d have far more extreme symptoms and you wouldn’t be wondering if you were sick, you’d know it.

If you don’t mind me asking, what age are you? (sorry if I’ve asked already)

Ok sorry I’ve just read back, you’re a 31 year old male

The chances of this being anything sinister are basically 0.