View Full Version : Oral worries, please help

14-08-24, 23:36
Hey, hoping someone is avaliable to ease my mind, currently Very worried about oral c after a post i saw on social media. as a habit when im anxious which is pretty often i bite my inner lips, like nibbling, ive been forcing myself to stop but sometimes when i realize it im already doing it, now im paranoid and scared to check my own mouth in the mirror worried i find something, i guess ill just go to the doctor and have him look around but i can barely function with so much worrying.
My question is im in my 20’s, should i be worried about oral c or is it rare at this age? Even with the lip bitting stuff, i’m so scared right now

15-08-24, 00:23
...hould i be worried about oral c or is it rare at this age? Even with the lip bitting stuff, i’m so scared right nowI'd say very unlikely and indeed would be rare, and I'd try (again, try your best) to avoid such fears and scare tactics from social media which is why I have to avoid it at all cost nowadays. I also clutch my jaw and also do this. I've also have to avoid certain other forums as well due to fears/worries of my own.

Hang in there and keep writing if it helps.

15-08-24, 01:43
Thank you so much for your reply, i just deleted all my social media as it was becoming a huge trigger for me, hopefully this break will be beneficial for me. Even though it’s rare my ha makes me believe ill be one of the small percentage who gets it, it sucks to live like this.

15-08-24, 02:03
You're quite welcome and I do hope taking a break from social media will help you and give you time to reflect on what is important. Yeah, sometimes it does suck to have to shelter ourselves but we also need to protect our well-being.

Take care,
