View Full Version : Anyone else feel let down by mental heath services

08-08-24, 14:13
It’s been a long bout for me this time round well documented in here so won’t bore you with the details but I feel so let down by my health providers after a lot of toing and froing I ended up in gp aligned service which is never heard of felt they offered very little and after a few phone calls was informed they were discharging me and recommended a mindfulness course which I am going to attend but I put a complaint in concerning a few issues and received the outcome today in an email to say I’m gobsmacked would be an understatement it is nothing but lie after lie after lie making me feel absolutely worthless and stupid I am in dire need of some mental health support but would be very scared to put myself in their care again I know services are very overstretched I get that but I’ve always been totally honest with them and expected the same in return I cannot believe the lies I feel worthless I thought their role was to make people feel better about themselves not worse thanks for reading if you made it to the end 😢😢😢

08-08-24, 14:37
Mental health services in this country are disgusting! As a country, we are being let down everywhere. The media, the Governments, the NHS etc.

09-08-24, 11:10
I agree willous, thankfully we have NMP.

Smogie, I do feel for you. But you are not alone and you have to remember what response you get is not personal, it's just the way things are.
Hope you get some comfort from this Site. :hugs:

09-08-24, 15:58
Thankyou I know there are a lot of people suffering and there just isn’t enough help to go round I’m just really upset about the lies that have been told that makes it feel personal I always come to this site for help and advice especially when I feel like there’s nowhere left to go x

16-08-24, 04:24
I don't trust them, I never will. They failed me so many times but at least one of them admitted that I am obviously uncurable and didn't want to take my money and other two didn't change my meds even though they don't help me anymore so I don't care anymore.
If I were in Netherlands they would probably recommend an euthanasia like for that poor girl that was on the news. They have no morals or any shame.

16-08-24, 18:00
I’ve never had any reason before to doubt that they had my best interests but my involvement with the gp aligned service has changed all that so many lies I thought these services were here to make people feel better not worse