View Full Version : Cough headache, shooting pains

07-08-24, 21:55
Hi everyone!

Has anyone ever dealt with a short lived (couple of seconds) shooting pain on either side of their head? Above the eye and radiating from the temple. It only happens when I cough/sneeze/laugh/bend down and it isn't everytime anymore, it's only happening to me on the right hand side. It was happening loads at the weekend but definitely died down. Primary Cough headaches are apparently harmless, so I kinda felt ok until I read a little further and saw "secondary cough headache". Now I am in a total tizzy! I will try to get a Drs appointment tomorrow, but it can be difficult here.

Has anyone here ever dealt with primary/secondary cough headaches? What was it like?

Thank you.

07-08-24, 23:36
Almost certainly sinus related. Nothing to worry about.

10-08-24, 20:22
Yup, I often get this when I have a cold. I'm prone to sinus headaches so I've always figured it's related to that.

10-08-24, 20:30
Sinus related i am going through a nasty head cold and had this the first few days.