View Full Version : Hopeless and desperate

02-08-24, 06:44
I literally do not know what to do with myself after another night of very little sleep I literally don not know what my life has become for 18 months it’s just been one thing after another I’ve had another uti which is gutting as I’m on a prophylactic drug to keep them at bay sleep is virtually nonexistent I’m struggling to care for my dad properly and have been signed off from the mental health services I don’t know how to carry on looking for advice support words of wisdom also I’ve started worrying about a mark on my leg I’ve had it for thirty+years it’s never changed sometimes bleeds if I catch it when shaving my legs had it checked out by three different docs years ago who all said nothing to be concerned about but now it’s triggering my health anxiety ����

02-08-24, 10:09
Can anyone give any advice xx

02-08-24, 10:14
I know it's tough, but try to trust the doctors. Any part of you will bleed if you catch it while shaving.

Could you maybe get your Dad into respite care for a bit?

02-08-24, 13:59
I am waiting for social services to do a review and a capacity test at the moment he refuses and they have to abide by his wishes

02-08-24, 14:16
Oh, that's awful, I'm sorry. Does he know you're at the end of your rope?

02-08-24, 18:02
No he has dementia and I don’t like upsetting him my brothers are visiting on a Sunday hoping for a discussion they live over a hundred miles away so no hands on support fr them thanks for replying x

02-08-24, 18:14
No wonder you're feeling awful. I'm currently in the same position as your brothers, but I'm hoping to get Mum moved into a home nearby soon.

02-08-24, 19:48
It’s awful and dementia is a cruel disease you just watch them fade away bit by bit although it does add pressure onto me I don’t think it’s the main cause of my anxiety x

02-08-24, 19:58
It’s awful and dementia is a cruel disease you just watch them fade away bit by bit although it does add pressure onto me I don’t think it’s the main cause of my anxiety x

I can honestly relate to your predicament, cared for my Mum for many years with Vascular Dementia, I too don't think it's the cause of our anxiety but I certainly don't think it helps we get tired and frustrated and it lights the fire, you most definitely need some help from social services if not for him but for you :bighug1:

02-08-24, 20:32
Thank you yes hopefully they will be able to help the gp gave me some promethazine so I’m hoping for a better sleep which might help my mindset x