View Full Version : Holidays and Health Anxiety

26-07-24, 16:11
Does anyone else only experience health anxieties when they're away from home?

I'm absolutely fine the rest of the time, actually quite laid back with a 'There's no point in worrying...' mentality. As soon as I'm away from home camping with my hubby, the panic kicks in.

"What if I have a heart attack? Will I wake up in the morning?' It's horrible, and really steals the joy from my breaks.

I'm very spiritual and currently on a journey of healing. I know the logic and the answers, yet it eats away at me.

My Mom had health anxieties when I was very young about her own health, but I was always very laid back growing up. At 48, it seems to be bothering me.

I wonder if I have a deep rooted feeling of protecting myself to save my Mom from worry. I suspect that's at the depths of it. She did go through a phase of panicking about me and this has probably led me to think that there must be a valid reason for her worry. I love her to pieces, and I understand the catalyst that led her to panic (emotionally unavailable Mom growing up - having to fend for herself and her twin brothers). However, I'm keen to kick it into touch and get back my free spirited mindset.

Any thoughts? I'd love to hear. xx

05-08-24, 08:43

I am on holiday and I am currently struggling with anxiety. I have been a HA sufferer in the past but I have been able to manage it. We are on a driving holiday and my anxiety has been really high, prompted by physical symptoms and probably the full nature of the trip. My parents are with me and I have noticed that this has heightened my anxiety, not that they are doing anything to upset me. I am concerned about them and my kids and it is feeling a bit much.

Since my holiday started I have had worries about digestive complaints, tight chest, palpitations, skin marks and rashes. I have been to a pharmacy for some and am leaving the rest to time and trying to remain calm.

I think holidays can be restful but as a parent they tend not to be, and if you are taking a lot of the burden for organising everything/everyone, that also increases stress and anxiety symptoms.

I hope that you have had as a restful time as you could and that your holiday went well. I hope your anxiety is calming now.